Author: Mark L. Torrey

Brown Santa Donations Drive


Brown Santa Donations Drive

Your Bastrop County Republican Party is collecting donations of cash and unwrapped toys to benefit the Bastrop County Sheriffs Office “Brown Santa Program”. 

Your donations can be dropped off at the BCRP Office on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00am to 2:00pm, or on Wednesday from 2:00pm to 6:0pm.

Please make sure your donations are received by Tuesday, December 6th.


Brown Santa Donation Drive

Brown Santa Donations Drive

BCRP is collecting donations of cash and unwrapped toys to benefit the Bastrop County Sheriffs Office “Brown Santa Program”. Your donations can be dropped off at the BCRP Office during office hours, which are Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00am to 2:00pm, or on Wednesday from 2:00pm to 6:0pm. Please make sure your donations are received by Tuesday, December 6th.

November Informational Meeting

The next BCRP Informational Meeting will be held November 28th at the BCRP Office meeting room, located at 443 Highway 71 West in Bastrop. Networking will begin at 6:00pm and the program at 6:30pm. This meeting will feature Bastrop County residents Jennifer and Justin Bezner, who will be speaking on behalf of their organizations, the Bastrop Pregnancy Resource Center and Christians Engaged. The information they’ll be sharing should proved to be very informational. Please plan to attend !!

See flyers below for more details.

Remembering Veterans 2022

Remembering and honoring all our family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances, both active duty and retirees on this Veterans Day 2022. Without you and your commitments and sacrifices we would not be free to express this gratitude and admiration. May God Bless You and may God continue to Bless the United States of America!!

October Informational Meeting


The Bastrop County Republican Party held its October Informational Meeting (the 4th Monday of every month) in the larger space of the at First National Banks Community Meeting Room. The featured speaker, Republican Party of Texas (RPT) Vice-Chair Dr. Dana Myers, spoke on a variety of topics, from Border Security, Election Integrity; the importance of electing Republican candidates to County, State and Federal level offices, and the role Texas has in maintaining National security. Dr. Myers and her husband arrived early and stayed after to visit with many attendees.


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