2nd Annual Golf Classic Message
A word from Curtis Courtney on the Golf Classic … Visit our YouTube channel link below
Register or Donate ONLINE Today !!
A word from Curtis Courtney on the Golf Classic … Visit our YouTube channel link below
Register or Donate ONLINE Today !!
Bastrop County Republicans wish everyone a Blessed Resurrection Sunday in remembrance of His Death, Burial and Resurrection. Jesus died, and through the shedding of His Blood, we can have Eternal Life through the forgiveness of our sins.
Nathan Macias, Executive Director of the Texas based Patriot Academy, spoke to dozens of attendees at this months Informational Meeting. Mr. Macias, an Air Force veteran, former State Representative and currently CEO and dynamic speaker enlightened attendees on the Patriot Academy’s nation wide efforts to educate, train and encourage involvement in building and keeping a strong country. He sited the techniques and philosophies employed during their ‘boot camps’ that prepare individuals and corporations for the task, and offered numerous examples of their effectiveness. More information on the Patriot Academy’s program can be found on their website www.PatriotAcademy.com
The Bastrop County Republican Party has monthly Informational Meetings, which are held the 4th Monday of each month. We invite speakers on a variety of issues and topics. Visit BastropCtyGOP.com for more information.
The Bastrop County Republican Party held their County Convention on March 23rd at Family Worship Center in Elgin, TX. Delegates and Alternates were elected to attend the Republican State Convention to be held in San Antonio on May 23rd thru May 25th. Next the Delegates voted on Resolutions to be sent to the Republican Party of Texas State Convention for approval. If the resolutions are approved, they will be used to help establish the party platform. Overall, the County Convention was a success with participation of 19 out of 26 Precincts in attendance. The convention adjourned and allowed attendees to enjoy lunch and fellowship.
Please visit our website for more information and calendar of upcoming events, informational meetings on the 4th Monday of each month and a review of events taking place in our county.
Dawn Buckingham, M.D., the Texas Land Commissioner spoke with county residents, candidates for city, county and state offices and BCRP members at the February Informational Meeting. The evening meeting was held in the First National Bank Community Room following an informal meet and greet opportunity. Commissioner Buckingham, discussed the many important functions of the General Land Office, including efforts to preserve, protect and operate the Alamo and Museum, and the management and acquisition of state lands to protect the states borders and coast line. In addition she shared projects focused on helping Texans recovering from natural disasters, the funding of Texas public education through the Permanent School Fund, and how the GLO helps provide benefits to Texas Veterans.
The Bastrop County Republican Party has monthly Informational Meetings, which are held the 4th Monday of each month. We invite speakers on a variety of issues and topics. Visit BastropCtyGOP.com for more information.
Pursuant to Texas Election code, the following notice is provided.
BCRP Office Meeting Room
Doors open at 6:00pm for networking
Program start at 6:30pm
March 25th, 2024
443 Highway 71 West,
Bastrop Texas
This months speaker will be Nathan Macias, Executive Director Patriot Academy.
The Honorable Nathan Macias is a former Texas State Representative, a retired USAF Lt Col, an engineer, business owner, and educator. He served as VP, Operations for several small businesses. His desire is to disciple individuals in order to develop our nation’s leaders. He directs the ever-expanding footprint and impact of Patriot Academy across the nation.
He resides in San Antonio, TX with his bride of 39 years, Susan. They have seven adult children, six in-law children, and 13 grandchildren!
Attention Bastrop County Republican voters. In previous election years, our Precinct Conventions have been held the evening of the election at the precincts polling location after the polls closed. This makes for a very long day for those as poll workers, a job, or raising their families. This year, Bastrop County is conducting county wide elections.
In an effort to reduce costs, planning and logistics, BCRP has combined all of our Bastrop County Republican Party’s “Precinct Conventions” to meet at one location on March 9th, 2024 at 1:00pm. The combined conventions will be held at:
Family Worship Center
2425 FM 1704
Elgin, TX 78621
Each precinct will have its own area in which to hold their convention and will be provided an agenda of items to be covered. To be eligible to attend your precinct’s convention, you must have voted Republican in the Primary, or have signed a Certificate of Party Affiliation.
Bastrop County Republican Party’s “County Convention” will also be held at the Family Worship Center on March 23rd, 2024 at 9:00am. To be eligible to participate in the County Convention you must have been nominated and elected at your Precinct Convention as a Delegate or Alternate to the County Convention. Guests are welcomed.
The Republican Party of Texas “State Convention” will be held in San Antonio at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center. It begins Thursday, May 23rd, and ends Saturday, May 25th. To be eligible to participate at the State Convention as a delegate or alternate, you must be elected at the County Convention.
Click HERE for State Delegate application form.
The party platform began with people like you; people that get involved and are willing to make a difference. Everyone is encouraged and welcomed to attend as a delegate, alternate or a guest.
Click for a: PrecinctSpecificSampleBallot, or a handy Candidate list.
For any questions, to request a Mail In Ballot, or additional information
please contact the Bastrop County Election office.
Phone: 512-581-7160, email, or visit their website.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Tomorrow, TUESDAY Evening – February 6, 2024
Bastrop County GOP Club ~ Movie & Pizza Night
Due to the closing of Cedars, the Bastrop County GOP Club will be dining & watching movies at the LPRW Club House
We’ll meet at 6:00 for pizza and networking. The movie will start at 6:30.
Important Meal Message from Carol Spencer, Bastrop County GOP Club President… “I’m going to order personal pizzas from Leo’s so when you register, please choose your toppings. And, I MUST have your order by Tuesday at 11AM. I’ve put an ENTREE Caesar Salad on the list for anyone who doesn’t want pizza. Of course, you don’t have to order anything to come and enjoy the movie. In honor of Ronald Reagan’s birthday on Tuesday, we’re going to watch King’s Row. I’ve never seen it but understand it’s a pretty serious movie. It’s supposed to be his best.”
To Pre-REGISTER and ORDER Pizza toppings, click HERE, For any questions, please email Carol Spencer. She hopes to see y’all there to celebrate The Gipper!