BCRP Monthly Informational Meeting

Join BCRP for our Monthly Informational Meeting
with special Guest Speaker Jeff DeCoux, Chairman of Autonomy Institute. Mr. DeCoux will be discussing the community benefits of autonomy. 

Monday, February 24, 2025
at the BCRP Office 
443 Highway 71 West (next to Harbor Freight), Bastrop
Doors open at 6 pm, meeting begins at 6:30 pm


Jeff DeCoux is Founder and CEO of ATRIUS Industries and Chairman of Autonomy Institute. He leads a consortium of over 300 industry, government, and academic organizations. His role is pivotal in developing leadership and fostering collaboration in the field of intelligent infrastructure and autonomous systems. He established Urbanautics, the study and practice of designing and operating massively connected autonomous and intelligent systems in the urban environment for the public good. The core focus is accelerating the “Path to Commerce” for Intelligent Infrastructure Economic Zones. Autonomy Institute collaborates with large infrastructure investors on the creation of $100+ million Private Public Partnership programs.

Autonomy Institute

Autonomy Institute is a cooperative research consortium focused on advancing Intelligent Infrastructure, autonomy, and AI at the edge. Autonomy Institute aligns government, industry, academia, and the public to create the policies, industry, jobs, and community benefits of autonomy.