Lost Pines Republican Women are hosting a Pizza and Politics event February 20th, at Leo’s Italian Grill, located at 887 State Hwy 21 West in Cedar Creek. Speakers will be Stan Gerdes, our newly elected Texas State Representative of House District-17, and Perla Hopkins, former candidate for State Board of Education District 5. Come out and show your support, ask questions, share your concerns, and enjoy some great Pizza!!
Registration is strongly suggested, as Leo’s space is limited. Pre-register online HERE, or by printing the image below. Visiting the LPRW website HERE for more information and a signup link.
The Texas State Rifle Association will hold its Annual General Meeting the weekend of February 17-18th at the Bastrop Convention Center. Please join us to learn about TSRA, attend seminars, and help us raise funds to protect the Second Amendment and promote competition shooting and educational initiatives. Please purchase your tickets by February 13th.
Friday, February 17th – Open to the Public
The Seminars and the Friday Night Gala Fundraiser – “Boots Suits and Diamonds” are open to the public.
Non-members can attend the seminars for a $10.00 contribution, and
For “Boots Suits and Diamonds” ticket and table prices please visit the TSRA Website
Our Cowboy Action Shooting Director, Scott Love will make a short presentation on this discipline, and
A panel of 3 speakers called “Guns, Government and Me”. U.S. Congressman Pete Sessions, Texas State Representative Briscoe Cain and Bastrop District Attorney Bryan Goertz are confirmed for the panel.
Please join us for this fun-filled weekend!
Your receipt is your ticket.
Saturday, February 18th is closed to the public. You must be a member to attend the Members Meeting and Luncheon. Our luncheon speaker is Ed Monk of Last Resort Firearms who will speak about Active Shooter Situations.
Over 5,000 Texas GOP delegates voted for our 2023 Legislative Priorities at our GOP Convention in Houston last year. Number 5 was banning Democrat chairs of our legislative committees. Committee chairs are very powerful and can block bills from even getting a hearing, let alone a floor vote for passage.
According to Jill Glover, SREC Legislative Priorities Committee chair, “In the March primary election, 81.24% of Republican primary voters (close to two million people) agreed that Republicans should not appoint Democrats to chair legislative committees.”
No matter how you feel about this issue, it’s important that you share your thoughts with our new SD-17 House member, Stan Gerdes. Legislators want and need to hear from constituents. Always be polite, concise, and respectful.
The next Informational Meeting of 2023 will be February 27th in Bastrop, at the BCRP Office, Meeting Room. Doors open for networking at 6:00pm with the program starting at 6:30pm. This meeting will feature Wes Virdell, a USAF Veteran, staunch 2A at the state and federal level, and current serves as the Texas State Director of Gun Owners of America.
Here’s a little more about our speaker.
Born and raised in the heart of Texas, Wes Virdell is a veteran and small business owner in the Transportation Industry. Like many hardworking Texans, Wes places a priority on faith, family, and freedom. Wes is 9th generation Texan and 14th generation American.
A few short years after graduating from Brady High School in 1998, Wes served in the U.S. Air Force where he worked on Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and served as a Military Training Leader.
After being honorably discharged from the military, Wes returned to his hometown of Brady and got involved in the fight for the right to keep and bear arms.
Wes started attending committee hearings for gun legislation in Texas in 2011 and was active in the battles for open carry in 2015 and Constitutional Carry in 2021.
Wes has served as a 2020 and 2022 State Delegate for the Republican Party of Texas and as a 2020 National Delegate for the Republican National Convention.
Most recently, Wes served as the Texas Hill Country Coordinator for Gun Owners of America from 2020 to 2022.
With the support of his family and countless liberty-loving Texas patriots, Wes now serves as the Texas State Director for Gun Owners of America and leading the fight to protect our inalienable rights.
Design Contest to Determine the New 2023-2024 “I Voted” and “Future Voter” Stickers for Bastrop County The Bastrop County Elections Department is conducting Bastrop County’s first “I Voted” and “Future Voter” design contest. The contest is open to all Bastrop County students, K-12, enrolled in a Public, Private, or Homeschool setting. The winning designs will be used as the official “I Voted” and “Future Voter” sticker in the 2023-2024 Election cycle. The Deadline to submit a design is Friday, February 10, 2023, at 5pm.
Once all designs are submitted, a panel of 5 esteemed judges will pick the winning design. Contest judges will be Lyndsey Schroeder, Executive Assistant to the Bastrop County Judge, Christopher White, Communications Specialist, Bastrop Independent School District, Lindsey Saunders, Communications Officer, Smithville Independent School District, Marcial Guajardo, Communications Coordinator, Elgin Independent School District, and Heather Stidham, Superintendent, McDade Independent School District. Judging will be based on theme, uniqueness of the design, and artistry.
Winners will be notified by the Elections Department on Monday, February 20, 2023. Those individuals will then be invited to an award ceremony during Commissioners Court on Monday, February 27, 2023, where we will announce the winners to the public.
Participants must agree to the contests official rules and submit their design by completing an “I Voted” and “Future Voter” Sticker Design Entry Form. All Submissions must be sent to by 5pm on Friday, February 10, 2023. More information is available on the Elections Department website at www.bastropvotes.org. or the links below !!
On behalf of the Bastrop County Republican Party, I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This year has been very successful because of all the activities in which we were involved including a new party administration, a successful election, informational meetings with dynamic speakers, and more. We are building a better Republican Party in Bastrop County and we need you to join us to make 2023 the best year ever!
I am looking forward to working with you in 2023. Our victories will come as long as individuals, like you, step up and volunteer. Thomas Jefferson said, “We in America do not have government by the majority— we have government by the majority who participate… All tyranny needs to gain a foothold, is for people of good conscience to remain silent”.
We have many opportunities for you to get involved so I encourage you to call our office at 512-409-1415 or call me at 512-925-6034 and we will find a place for you. Unaccompanied it is a struggle but together, with Jesus Christ, we can move mountains. Help us to spread the message of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to everyone in our county. Let’s KEEP BASTROP COUNTY RED!
Sincerely, Curtis Courtney, Chairman Bastrop County Republican Party
Members of the Bastrop County Republican Party (BCRP) gathered the morning of December 14th, 2022 to present collected gifts of toys and a cash donation of $800.00 to the Bastrop County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) “Brown Santa Program”. This annual holiday event benefits qualified children, families and elderly citizens of Bastrop County providing toys, clothing, food, and other needed items during the Christmas season. BCRP selected the Sheriff’s Office “Brown Santa Program” because of our mutual county-wide interests, coverage, and representation, and join the Sheriff’s Office in sending warm Merry Christmas wishes to all in Bastrop County.
Pictured L to R: Sheriff Maurice Cook, B.A.S.E. Coordinator Stevie Sugars, BCRP Chair Curtis Courtney.Pictured L to R Standing: Sheriff Maurice Cook, Carl Rees, Stevie Sugars, Deputy Robert Williams, Mark Torrey, Dawn Thompson, Sue Beck, Stephen Beck, Debra Carter, Curtis Courtney; Kneeling: Susan Carlisle, Glenn Carlisle.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation=”fadeIn”]The Bastrop County Republican Party had a festive evening participating in the Bastrop Lighted Christmas Parade, Saturday December 10th 2022. Joining the fun with a trailer full of Conservative supporters were Sheriff Maurice Cook, County Judge Elect Gregory Klaus, Mel Hamner, Wayne Wood, Krista Bartsch, County Chair Curtis Courtney and numerous BCRP Precinct Chairs and family. Spectators and parade watchers alike, admired the brightly lit and decorated float pulled by Carl Rees’ bright yellow 1927 Ford Model T “Phaeton” Roadster.
Your Bastrop County Republican Party is collecting donations of cash and unwrapped toys to benefit the Bastrop County Sheriffs Office “Brown Santa Program”.
Your donations can be dropped off at the BCRP Office on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00am to 2:00pm, or on Wednesday from 2:00pm to 6:0pm.
Please make sure your donations are received by Tuesday, December 6th.