Latest News and Events

Recount Completed

House District 17 candidate Tom Glass requested a recount, which included Bastrop County GOP votes.  The Bastrop County portion of that recount was completed today.

There were  27 people making up nine teams of three each, all Republicans because it was a primary election recount.  The recount started at 10:30 a.m. and ended around 6:30 p.m.  The group manually counted more than 9,000 paper ballots.

Chairman Mike Gepner expressed his appreciation to all who agreed to participate. He was grateful so many came forward to assist in the process. He noted the expertise and professionalism of Elections Administrator Kristin Miles and her staff, which contributed to the work getting done in one day.

Notice of Ballot Canvass

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]NOTICE OF BALLOT CANVASS

The GOP Ballot Canvass will take place on Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 5PM.  This will take place at the new GOP office, 453 Hwy 71 in the old Beall’s Shoes location.  (This is in the strip mall with First National Bank, Harbor Freight, Tractor Supply.)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

How to be a Convention Delegate

PLEASE NOTE: Several precinct convention locations have changed.  If you live in precinct 1001, 1002, 1003, 2010 or 4024, please click the “Check this list” link again to see the new location list.

Why would you want to be a convention delegate?  Convention delegates vote for the GOP Party platform.  Delegates to state convention choose the Party chair who will lead the Texas GOP through the midterms and in preparation for the 2024 Presidential election.  Besides the formal business, you meet like minded people!

The process is as follows:

  1. Vote in the GOP primary or fill out the form to affiliate with the Republican Party.
  2. Attend your precinct convention.  Precinct conventions will be held after the polls close at 7PM on March 1.  Where? Check this list for your precinct convention location.
  3. If you can’t make the convention: Please email Chairman Mike Gepner no later than February 25 at . Include your name, precinct, email address, and phone number in the email. If you have resolutions for consideration by the convention, please bring them to the precinct convention or email them to Mike Gepner.
  4. Be sure you are nominated and vote in as a delegate or alternate to the Bastrop County GOP Convention.
  5. This is a must to be a delegate to the Bastrop County convention.
    1. If you arrive for your precinct convention and no one else is there, you can run your own convention.  There will be a packet with forms that need to be filled out.  Do so, and you’ll have run your first convention!
    2. If more than one person arrives, but no one seems to be in charge, you can run the convention.
  6. When you receive the application to be a delegate to the State convention (June 16-18, Houston), be sure to return it as quickly as possible.  This is a must to be a delegate to the TexasGOP convention.
  7. Attend the Bastrop County GOP convention on March 26 at 10AM at the Family Worship Center, 2425 FM 1704, Elgin.
  8. Be sure you are nominated and vote in as a delegate or alternate to the Texas GOP Convention.
  9. Attend the Texas GOP Convention in Houston.  Meet fellow delegates.  Have fun!

2022 Texas GOP Logo with dates

Important dates:

  • March 1: Election Day and Precinct Conventions.  See list for locations.
  • March 26: Bastrop County GOP Convention. 10AM.  Family Worship Center, Elgin
  • June 16 – 18: Texas GOP Convention, Houston

Work the polls

The Bastrop GOP is looking for pollworkers on Election Day, Tuesday March 1.  Please contact GOP Chair Mike Gepner if you would like to work that day.  This is a paid position and training will be provided.

Early voting starts February 14 and ends February 25.  Would you like to be a poll watcher during the election?  Please contact GOP Chair Mike Gepner if you would like to volunteer your time.  This is fascinating work and helps ensure election integrity.  A poll watcher guide is available through the TX Secretary of State website and some online training from the RNC.

Vote Bastrop County banner

Thinking About Running for Precinct Chair?

It’s time!  If you want to be a candidate for Bastrop County precinct chair in 2022, the second opportunity to apply for a place on the ballot has begun.

  • The application must be filed between January 15, 2022 and 6:00 p.m. on February 12, 2022. (Section 172.023, Texas Election Code).
  • Precinct Chairs can file using this Application for a Place on the Ballot.
    • Applications for precinct chair candidates may be filed in person (contact County Chair Mike Gepner to do so) or by mail or email, as there is no filing fee associated with the office of precinct chair.
    • A person must reside in the election precinct to be eligible to be a candidate for or to serve as a precinct chair for that precinct.
    • Addition information, including qualification to run for Party office, is on the Secretary of State’s website.

We’ve Moved

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Bastrop County GOP is now located at 453 Hwy 71W in the former Bealls Shoes in Bastrop. (Please note the door says 443.)  Our office is located in the strip mall with First National Bank & Tractor Supply. We’ll be in this spot until May 1 when we’ll be relocating a few doors down in the space now occupied by WIC.

New hours will be published next week.  Once we do, please stop by and say hello![/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_single_image image=”7486″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

4th Annual Bastrop County GOP Boots & Barbecue a Success

More than three hundred Republicans gathered at the Bastrop Convention Center Saturday evening, September 25, for an enjoyable and informative evening of political discourse.  The fourth annual Bastrop County GOP Boots & Barbecue Fundraiser featured TX Congressman Michael Cloud, CD-27, who introduced keynote speaker Congressman Dan Crenshaw, TX CD-2.   TX Representative John Cyrier was back for his annual appearance as Master of Ceremonies.  Texas Senator Dawn Buckingham, SD-24, engaged the audience with stories from the TX legislature.

Mark Torrey, Precinct Chair 3012 and Event Committee chairman, said “Every year this great event brings amazing political speakers to Bastrop County.  The combination of a rousing live auction, a variety of silent auction items, and of course great barbecue, make this a ‘not to be missed’ fundraiser”.  He added, “This wouldn’t be possible without the hard work of the committee members and I extend my deepest thanks to them.”

The evening’s activities and entertainment included a social hour, VIP reception, silent and live auctions, cocktails hosted by 602 Brewery, dinner by Billy’s Pit BBQ, and dessert sponsored by TX HD-17 candidate Jennifer Bezner.

“The Bastrop County GOP is honored to have the support of so many current and former elected officials”, said GOP Chair Mike Gepner.  Attending officials included former Speaker of the Texas House Gib Lewis, Sheriff Maurice Cook, District Clerk Sarah Loucks, County Clerk Rose Pietsch, County Commissioners Mark Meuth, Clara Beckett and former County Commissioner Don Loucks.  The Republican Party was well represented by Bastrop County GOP Chair Mike Gepner, State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) members representing Bastrop County Olga Lasher and Fernando Treviño, former SREC member Jan Duncan, along with many other party officials from Bastrop and surrounding counties.

Net proceeds will support local Party initiatives, GOP candidates, and Party administrative needs.  The Bastrop County Republican Party is deeply appreciative for the support of table sponsors, attendees, silent and live auction donors, and the many local and county businesses that generously supported this event.

The Bastrop County Republican Party County Executive Committee is comprised of the twenty-two elected GOP precinct chairs.  The County Executive Committee is the governing body of the Bastrop County Republican Party and conducts all official party business. Its website is

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Bastrop County GOP at the Border Forum

Precinct 3013 Chair Sue Beck and her husband Stephen had the distinct honor of representing Bastrop County Republicans at a Fox News Forum featuring former President Donald Trump and Texas Governor Greg Abbott and hosted by Sean Hannity.  The forum, which took place at Edinburg Airport near the Texas-Mexico border, focused on immigration issues plaguing our country right now.  In addition to Sue, State Representative John Cyrier, Senator Dawn Buckingham, Senator Donna Campbell and Congressman Michael Cloud were also present at the event. BCRP is proud to have had representation at this important event and thanks Sue for her devotion to our party.

Manipulative Corporate Propaganda

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]More mind manipulation by the corporate world.  More political propaganda from the corporate world.  Grab a copy of yesterday’s New York Times or Washington Post to see the two page advertisement.  It starts with a header that says “Government of the people, by the people” but conspicuously leaves out “for the people”, a hat-tip to the elites and the Washington swamp who seemed to be hurt by Trump “America First” policies, and emboldened by Biden administration actions.

Read carefully.  Repeatedly, the verbiage to which these corporations have signed on, refers to our country as a democracy.  Civics lesson required.  The US is not a democracy.  We are a representative republic.  We have legislative representatives who vote for us.  We, US citizens, elect others to represent us.

The rest of the statement is a smoke screen.  None of the provisions of the Georgia law (or HB-6 in Texas) would eliminate anyone’s “right to vote” or “fair opportunity to do so”.  Early voting, clarifying what constitutes “electioneering” (intimidation) at the polls and where that can take place, requiring a government issued ID (which is required for any hospital or doctor appointment, banking transactions, liquor or many prescription drug purchases, fly, get any document notarized, and much more in our daily lives), applying for absentee ballots and returning them on a timely basis, do not deny any US citizen the right to vote.  These regulations ensure legal votes are cast and that election outcomes aren’t dragged out for weeks.

This list allows you to “vote with your wallet” by perusing who has signed on to this manipulative propaganda.  Of note, Coca-Cola, Delta, JP Morgan and Home Depot did not sign onto this advertisement according to an article in Axios.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1618500299116{margin-top: -2em !important;}”][vc_column][vc_video link=”″ align=”center” title=”The truth about the Georgia law is explained in this video.”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Commentary: Innocent suffer in border surge

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Courtesy Don Loucks
Contributing columnist to The Statesman

It is difficult to understand the video showing two small girls ages 3 and 5 being dropped over 14-foot-tall border wall in Texas and then left there while the perpetrators fled back into Mexico. However, as the saying goes, “follow the money.”

Human trafficking — modern slavery, really — is a booming and very lucrative business. In fact, it is only a close second behind the illicit drug trade. How big, one wonders? Hundreds of billions of dollars big.

There are many facets to this tragedy; many layers and intensities of activity are in play. The dropping of children over the border and border walls is only one small part. Human beings in various capacities are valuable commodities.

Keep this in mind: This horrible human tragedy would not be happening if President Joe Biden had not cancelled the Trump plan to complete the border wall and strictly control who may enter the United States. It is clear that the word went out very early after the election that Biden would stop enforcing control of our borders. His administration cannot even call this crisis a crisis.

Set aside America’s Southern border crisis for a moment and consider something that came to light in late 2019 in the form of a so-called pandemic. Certainly, COVID-19 can be a deadly disease, but how was it so rapidly distributed from Wuhan, China, to other parts of the world such as Los Angeles, New York City, Florence, Italy, and Madrid, Spain, to name just a few?

The answer to the “why” is slave labor. Communist China provides laborers to other countries. In the case of COVID-19, it was primarily textile workers (clothing makers) who were contracted out to do clothing manufacturing. Who was paid?

The Communist Chinese regime “owns” its citizens. The money paid for their labor goes to their government, which takes a nice cut, then a pittance is paid to the laborers. This is slave labor. The Communist Chinese government owns its citizens, they are considered property.

To whom do the people crossing our Southern border then belong?

One of the terrifying smuggling techniques for monetary gain is to charge a large sum for conveying a person into the United States. Reported amounts of $5,000 to $15,000 dollars are common. Then, one would ask how these supposedly destitute people obtain such funds when the countries form which they originate are so poor?

Evidently, the new method is a form of “installment plan.” The coyotes (smugglers) take a deposit from the person seeking passage, and then the now-indentured slave is made to promise to send direct deposit payments monthly to the coyote’s bank accounts. If the payments are not made, the collateral (families of the migrants back home) are harmed or killed. This is serious business.

It is also reported that the drug and human smuggling cartels are intertwined and are so powerful they have become the actual government of most of northern Mexico. Is it possible for Americans to imagine the entire Southwest United States being controlled, government and all, by the Mafia? Please imagine that because that is exactly what it would be.

Some of the illegal immigrants act as “mules” for smuggling drugs across the border. If caught they are subject to drug smuggling charges and can be incarcerated. But there are other, more efficient means of smuggling drugs, such as tunnels, disguised shipping containers and even model aircraft and drones.

As a public, we have been aware of drug smuggling and the effects of drug addiction for many decades. It has only been relatively recently that the human trafficking and slavery prostitution have become newsworthy. The number world-wide is estimated to be 25 million slaves.

The Jeffery Epstein scandal, where under-age girls were taken to his private island for the pleasure of well-heeled clients, is just the tip of the iceberg. More coverage of kidnapping and sex slavery will be included in the second of this two-part column series.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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