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Veterans Day Message, by contributing writer Dianna Greenwood

On this date, 106 years ago at the 11 th hour of the 11 th day of the 11 th month, the Allies signed a ceasefire agreement with the Germans at Compiégne, France. This date, at the time, was regarded as the end of World War I or “the war to end all wars.” However, this was only a ceasefire and World War I would not officially end until June 29, 1919, when the Treaty of Versailles was signed just outside of Versailles, France at the Château de Versailles. One year after the ceasefire was signed, President Wilson proclaimed the first Armistice Day as Veteran’s Day was then known. Since then, we have commemorated this day every year. The sacrifices that countless veterans have made since World War I have not gone unnoticed, and we give tribute to all veterans whether deceased or alive because without them we would not have the freedoms we enjoy today. This is vastly different from Memorial Day which is a day set aside to honor those who gave the highest sacrifice, their lives to save our freedom.

Our history is replete with men answering the call to duty from Jamestown up to today and it is woven into the fabric of America. It is what makes us the greatest nation on earth, and it is a spirit of not only individualism but of pragmatism, honor, and duty. It is really the fabric of America and something that most people in the world cannot understand until they actually experience it.

In Jamestown, a group of British men initially come as part of the Virginia Company to make money and find the northwest passage among other things. They were to be run by those back in London and their sole responsibility was to work for the Virginia Company but soon the hardships of living in the New World would appear; from dealing with local Native tribes to starvation and near annihilation from disease and tribal attacks they endured hardship, death, starvation, and mismanagement until finally they realized the system they were living under in this new world was unworkable and needed to be changed.

Through that hardship, the first representative assembly now known as the House of Burgess was formed. While this is not a military issue, it is here that the roots of liberty unknowingly begin to take place. Those roots of liberty would grow into the American Spirit which appears in 1775 resulting in thousands of men willing to sacrifice their lives for their fellow citizens so that all could live unencumbered by a monarchial government.

And since then, our fellow citizens have answered the call of duty to serve and protect this nation and its values repeatedly. We honor all of those who came before us and gallantly served starting with the American Revolution, through the War of 1812, the Texas Revolution, the Mexican War, the Civil War, the Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, the Gulf War, and until now with the Afghanistan and Iraq War. Never before in the history of the world have so many people been freed from the constraints of tyrants and allowed to enjoy the fruits of liberty should they choose to. It is veterans, who we can thank, that accepted the call to arms to preserve, protect and defend liberty and freedom.

To all veterans we thank you, but especially our American Veterans both living and dead whom without you and your courage, we would not exist as a country. You are an inspiration to us all.

November 5th 2024 Election Results

The Results 

These are the winning results of the November 5, 2024, election. The results are from Bastrop County Elections, and they reflect how registered voters of Bastrop County voted. 
To see more results and more comprehensive election reports, please click here 

Registered Voters in Bastrop County – 61,423
Ballots Cast – 39,956 

President/Vice President
Donald J. Trump/JD Vance

US Senator
Ted Cruz

US Representative, District 10
Michael T. McCaul

US Representative, District 27
Michael Cloud

Railroad Commissioner
Christi Craddick

Justice, Supreme Court, PL 2
Jimmy Blacklock

Justice, Supreme Court, PL 4
John Devine

Justice, Supreme Court, PL 6
Jane Bland

Presiding Judge, Ct. of Crimm. App.
David J. Schenck

Judge, Ct. of Crimm. App, PL 7
Gina Parker

Judge, Ct. of Crimm. App, PL 8
Lee Finley

State Representative, District 17
Stan Gerdes

Justice, 3rd Ct. of App, Dist. PL 2
John Messinger

Justice, 3rd Ct. of App, Dist. PL 3
Chari Kelly

Justice, 3rd Ct. of App, Dist. PL 5
Karin Crump

Justice, 3rd Ct. of App, Dist. PL 6
Gisela D. Triana

Dist. Judge, 21st Judicial Dist. 
Carson Campbell

Dist. Judge, 335th Judicial Dist. 
John D. Winkelmann

Dist. Judge, 423rd Judicial Dist. 
Chris Duggan

Dist. Judge, 465th Judicial Dist. 
Elizabeth Beyer

Maurice Cook

County Tax Assessor – Collector
Ellen Owens

County Commissioner Pct. 1 
Butch Carmack

County Commissioner Pct. 3
Mark Meuth

Justice of Peace, Unexpired Pct. 2
Zachary Carter

Constable Pct. 1
Wayne Wood

Constable Pct. 2
James L. Scoggins

Constable Pct. 3
Tim Sparkman

Constable Pct. 4
Joey Dzienowski

Unincorporated ESD No.3 
62.27% – FOR


Calendar of Events

November 7 – Registration for the LPRW Christmas Party opens. Click here for more information.
November 9 – 9 am to 5pm, Texas Constitutional Enforcement 89th Legislative Agenda Workshop at Paige Farmhouse Diner, Paige TX. Hosted by Tom Glass. Click here for more information and to RSVP.
November 9 – 6:30 pm, Red, White, & Blue Veterans of Bastrop 20th Annual Veterans Appreciation the Bastrop Convention Center. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets. 
November 11 – Veterans Day
November 18 – 5:30 pm, Bastrop County Conservatives Monthly Meeting with Senator Mayes Middleton at Casa Chapala in Bastrop. Click here for more information. 
November 21 – 6:00 pm, LPRW Monthly Meeting at the LPRW Club House. Click here for more information. 
November 25 – 6:00 pm, BCRP Monthly Meeting. Speaker to be announced.
November 28 – Thanksgiving Day
Visit our website calendar for more information and other events.

A Message from Curtis Courtney, County Chair


This election might come down to 10,000 votes, maybe 1,000 votes, or perhaps even just 1 vote – which could be YOUR vote.

Turnout will determine the outcome of this election. Bastrop County Republican Party is encouraging EVERYONE who can – GET OUT AND VOTE and VOTE EARLY! Let’s send the message right now that we are TAKING BACK TEXAS and AMERICA!

Early voting starts TOMORROW (Monday), October 21st, at 8:00 a.m. There will be four (4) locations for early voting and fifteen (15) locations on election day, November 5th.

When you go vote, be sure to cast your vote down the ballot. Every candidate needs your vote. VOTE. VOTE EARLY. VOTE REPUBLICAN.

Curtis Courtney, County Chair Bastrop County Republican Party

BCRP and LPRW have put together a comprehensive GOP VOTER GUIDE. This one-stop guide will help you make an informed vote. The guide is complete with a tear-off “sample ballot” that you can take inside the voter booth.

For the English version of the 2024 Voter Guide, click HERE

For the Spanish version, click HERE .

2024 General Election Voter Guide Featured

The Bastrop County Republican Party (BCRP) and Lost Pines Republican Women (LPRW) joined together to generate a 2024 Voter Guide  for early voting and on Election Day November 5th, 2024.  Available in English and Spanish.


Remember cellphones and other digital devices are not permitted inside the polling place, but you can take the red boxed tear off section of candidates on the last page of the Voter Guide as your helpful notes.

Trump Train & Jessica Colon!

Join Bastrop County Republican Party & Lost Pines Republican Women Sunday, October 13

BCRP & LPRW are hosting another Trump Parade & After Parade Social with special guest

Jessica Colon, Trump Campaign/RNC State Director

*Deck your vehicle out with Trump flags and signs!

* Line up at Mayfest Park, 3 pm – 25 American Legion       DR., Bastrop

*Maps of the parade route will be handed out when you arrive

*The After Parade Social with Jessica Colon will begin immediately following the parade (4:30 – 6:00) at the BCRP office.

You can find all Trump gear at the BCRP (443 Highway 71 West Bastrop, next door to Harbor Freight)


LPRW’s Club House (3000 Highway 71 East Bastrop – building right after Super 8 on Hwy. 71 feeder road)

See y’all Sunday!!!

Multi-County Trump Train

Get ready for another Texas-Sized Trump Train & Cruz Convoy

Join us for a Texas-Sized Trump train & Cruz Convoy on Saturday, October 26th! The train and convoy will depart at 10:30 am from Buccees in Bastrop, with the final destination being Apache Pass in Rockdale. Here, we will host a grand TRUMP RALLY, a celebration of our shared values and a call to action for the upcoming elections, beginning at 4 pm (more details and speaker lineup coming soon).
See y’all on the train. Let’s make America great again together! MAGA! 

Leadership Institute GOTV Tour

If you have concerns for Election Integrity, Motivating your neighbors, Participating in the Election process, or just want to learn more, The Leadership Institute is looking for you to sign up to their Get Out The Vote training seminar. Please review the graphic below to see what will be presented. Click HERE for more information, or HERE to pre register. The seminar is is well worth the investment.

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