Latest News and Events

Remembrance Day, 2023


Our thoughts come around to “Let’s Roll” every year. On that brilliant September morning 22 years ago, while millions of Americans were preparing to start their day, we remember the attacks that struck our Nation. To all the First Responders, Firefighters, Police, EMTs, Flight Crews, Attendants, the brave passengers and civilians, and the many other heroes lost… We Honor and Remember you this day. You will Never Be Forgotten.



Informational Meeting – September 25th, 2023

Tim Hardin serves as the president and CEO of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility (TFR). Texans for Fiscal Responsibility is an independent educational non-profit organization seeking to illuminate the actions of government, educate and equip citizens to effectively advocate for pro-taxpayer reforms, and hold lawmakers accountable for their actions. TFR has addressed hundreds of organizations and groups all across the Lone Star State.

Consistent with their guiding principles, TFR has identified key legislative priorities in the wake of the 88th Texas Legislature. While Republicans maintain a strong majority, there are no excuses for lawmakers to be derelict in their duty to pass commonsense reforms called for by the grassroots. The Texas Prosperity Plan is TFR’s policy goal to achieve a fiscally responsible Texas.

Tim has an undergraduate degree in philosophy and political science from the University of North Texas. He also earned his master’s degree in biblical studies from West Coast Baptist College. Tim is a small-business man and pastor and served as a chief of staff in the Texas House for eight years. He resides in Fort Worth with his wife, Luisa, and their five children, Elijah, Noah, Micah, Jeremiah, and Selah.

“32nd Annual Rockne Homecoming Parade”

Riding together as “We the People” were members and supporters of the Bastrop County Republican Party on a float of patriotic Red, White and Blue, in the 32nd Annual Rockne Homecoming Parade. This years parade was dedicated to Grand Marshall Arthur Goertz, celebrating his 100th birthday on September 25th, rode at the front of the procession in a bright yellow convertible with horse silhouettes mounted on the sides. The parade route started at Red Rock Grocery at Fohn Road and FM 20 from there up to FM 535 then into downtown Rockne where crowds cheered and waved American flags for the largest parade in Homecoming history. BCRP and BCC thanks everyone who came out to cheer and wave.

Informational Meeting with Cindi Castilla

The Informational Meeting on Monday August 28th, drew a large crowd of serious Bastrop and adjacent Counties residents, as Cindi Castilla from The Texas Eagle Forum shared her knowledge on the status of several key Texas legislation. Many discussion topics are closely related to the Legislative Priorities passed at the 2022 Republican Party of Texas State Convention. Special note was given to those targeting improved Texas’ education, removing pornography from public schools, efforts on the ban of gender modification, the continued effort of illicit drug trafficking and more. Her presentation style encouraged spontaneous questions which worked well to clarify points of information while fresh in the audience minds. The TEF is working to encourage Governor Abbott to include those key legislation in an upcoming special session to ensure they are addressed in a timely manner.

The Bastrop County Republican Party Informational Meetings are held the 4th Monday of every month at 6pm with the goal of sharing issues important to the resident of Bastrop County and Texas as a whole. Check out the BCRP website and calendar for more information and article links for each meeting.

6th Annual Boots and Barbecue

open registration time remaining …

The Barbecue will be ready, the program inviting and the fun and camaraderie just waiting for you to join the BASTROP COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY’S 6TH ANNUAL BOOTS & BARBECUE FUNDRAISER! This happens September 23, 2023, at the Bastrop Convention & Exhibit Center, beginning at 5:00 p.m.
Topping the special guests will be none other than “the Patriot Barbie” – Ms. Lindsey Graham. As our keynote speaker, Ms. Graham will tell the interesting story and happenings of her life that led to her receiving the title of the “Patriot Barbie”. She is the fierce, bold, and unapologetic voice for patriots and women across America. She champions strong men, embraces family values, and empowers women. Her new book, Targeted: One mom’s fight for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, will be available for purchase at the event.
Join us for the best barbecue dinner in Bastrop from Billy’s Pit Barbecue, our silent auction during the cocktail and VIP reception, and a live auction with some VERY SPECIAL items.
For the latest information follow our website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter today, and check back often …
You can click here to register online.
See y’all Saturday, September 23, 2023!

“Bastrop Homecoming and Rodeo”

Saturday August 5th, 2023

Thousands of delighted city and county residents and visitors alike were treated to the 76th annual Homecoming Parade Saturday morning. Over 120 parade entries of floats, trailers, school bands, athletic teams, civic clubs, antique cars and off-road vehicles and more gathered near Genesis High School at Cedar and Hill Streets in Bastrop. One by one they followed the parade route along Cedar to Main through Downtown and finished in the shade along Emile Street. The typical Texas heat and humidity of summer did not deter the nearly 30 representatives from the Bastrop County Republican Party (BCRP), Bastrop County Young Republicans (BCYR), Bastrop County Conservatives (BCC), Lost Pines Republican Women (LPRW), County Officials, supporters and volunteers who filled the trailer to capacity. Our parade entry, numbered 4 of 120, followed closely behind the leading Parade Marshall, three Fire Trucks, and City and County Officials in classic automobiles. Participants and spectators enjoyed the festivities by waving and cheering along the mile and quarter long route.

Riding on the parade trailer were County Tax Assessor/Collector Ellen Owens, County Clerk Krista Bartsch, Precinct 4 Constable Joey Dzienowski, BCYR Chairwoman Kylie Cunningham, BCC Co-founder Mel Cooper and wife Linda, LPRW Members, BCRP supporters Glen and Susan Carlisle, Butch Carmack, Dominica McGinnis, Charles Brading and several of BCRP’s Precinct Chairs.  

Scroll through the photos below and don’t forget to check out the 6th Annual Boots and Barbecue Fundraiser on September 23rd.


Texas Republican County Chairman Association Conference

The Bastrop County Republican Party Chairman and his wife, Curtis and Cheryl Courtney, recently attended a conference sponsored by the Texas Republican County Chairman Association. The conference was centered around the election in 2024, a legislative update for the year and the importance of the local county party organizations in winning local and state elections. Several state officials attended the conference such as Governor Greg Abbott, U.S. Senator John Cornyn, and State Comptroller Glenn Hegar to show their support. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz attended by Zoom video.



Leadership Insitute Offers Campaign Training


Bastrop County Conservatives presents …

Bastrop County Texas ~ Campaign School ~

August 25, 2023

8:15 am – 4:45 pm

Southside Market & BBQ Bastrop

Registration Fee $25

Fee includes light breakfast and lunch

Sponsored by Leadership Institute, Arlington, VA

If you are:

          • Considering running for public office
          • Have friends who may want to run for office
          • Plan to support someone running
          • You want to be knowledgeable so you can provide guidance
          • You would simply enjoy the information

This is the class you need.

Learn to:

          • Decide if a person is ready to run
          • Organize the campaign
          • Raise funds
          • Work with media
          • Communicate with voters

You may not have an interest in all of these. That’s OK. Listen and learn about items of interest to you.

You may have other commitments that day. If so, sign up and we will send you the information after the event.

This is a great opportunity to prepare for the upcoming elections, to be valuable, to be part of the solution.

Click Here for more details, curriculum, instructors, and to Pre-Register



Click Here for more details, curriculum, instructors, and to Pre-Register




Click Here for more details, curriculum, instructors, and to Pre-Register


Informational Meeting – August 28th, 2023

BCRP Office Meeting Room
Doors open at 6:00pm for networking
Program start at 6:30pm


This month’s Informational Meeting speaker will be Cindi Castilla, President of Texas Eagle Forum.  

Cindi serves as the president of TEF, a pro-life, pro- family organization. TEF’s mission is to equip and educate its members to become citizen activists through timely email alerts, a monthly newsletter and her many speaking engagements. Using Biblical principles, the Constitution and a lot of research, TEF focuses on legislation affecting Texas families and has been a consistent and outspoken force in the battle to reverse the decline in public education. Cindi is a commissioned Colson Fellow with a passion to see God’s truth lived out in every aspect of life and culture.

Following the model of the late Phyllis Schlafly, founder of Eagle Forum, Cindi leads Texas Eagle Forum as a full-time volunteer. She and her husband of 36 years raised their three sons in Dallas, Texas and were excited to meet their first grandchild when she was born in June!

Please come and listen to Cindi’s informative, powerful and moving presentation on legislative issues affecting children and grand children in every Texas family.

Come early to make sure you get a good seat. 

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