Category: County Executive Committee

5th Annual Boots and Barbecue Fundraiser


Join your fellow Republicans Saturday, September 24, 2022, for the

5th Annual Boots & Barbecue Fundraiser !!


Welcome Lt. Governor Dan Patrick as our Keynote Speaker,
US Congressman Michal McCaul and
TX Senator Charles Schwertner
as our Guest Speakers for the evening!


Bastrop Convention and Exhibit Center
1408 Chestnut Street
Bastrop, Texas 78602

Doors open at 4:45 pm
Cocktail and VIP Receptions 5:00 – 6:15 pm
Dinner at 6:30 pm.

Dinner is provided by Billy”s Pit Barbecue
Cash Bar provided by Casa Chapala
Silent and Live Auctions for your bidding pleasure
as well as an evening of fun and friendship!

Click here for printable (PDF) registration form, or for on-line registration.

For more information contact:
Sue Beck – phone: (512) 913-7917, email: , or
Deb Layland – phone: (512) 814-9299, email: .

Update on Guest Speakers ...


Informational Meeting generated significant interest


Bastrop County Republicans gathered Monday evening, August 22nd, to christen their newly remodeled office and meeting space by holding their first Informational Meeting of the 2022 term. County Chairman Curtis Courtney opened the meeting by welcoming invited Speakers, Precinct Chairs and guests. Following pledges and invocation, Chairman Courtney acknowledged the combined efforts of all the Executive Committee Members, family and supporters who contributed hours of labor, materials and the variety of skills necessary to convert the smaller medical offices into a single, larger meeting space. The entire office received new paint throughout, a carpeted meeting space and spruced up lobby to greet visitors.

Meeting attendees heard from Republican Party of Texas (RPT) SREC Committeewoman Susan Lucas, and SREC Committeeman Bill Fairbrother. Each described their role in the local and state level, and how it involves Bastrop County. They also shared RPT’s efforts on key legislative issues, including election integrity, school funding, and the importance of winning big in the mid term election in November.

We next heard from State Board of Education candidate Perla Muñoz-Hopkins, who will oppose the incumbent Democrat from Austin for the Distinct 5 seat. As a former educator, and military veteran who served this Country, State and children admirably for many years, Mrs. Hopkins promised to focus on the critical issues when elected to the State Board of Education. These will include addressing school funding, curriculum content and standards, protecting Christian beliefs in public schools, eliminating gender grooming, ensuring the responsibility of gender and sexual education belongs to parents and improved school campus security among other topics.

In recognition of her personal belief and support for the battle against the Progressive Movement to remove the National Motto from all things American, she presented to Chairman Courtney a beautiful framed “In God We Trust” poster from the Official US National Motto Project to be prominently displayed in our office. More information on this Texas based nation wide project can be found at




[vc_row][vc_column][vc_hoverbox image=”7708″ primary_title=”Informational Meeting” hover_title=”Monthly Informational Meeting ” shape=”square”]

Come and meet the TEAM…..

The BCRP would like to invite you to come and hear from our newly elected State Board of Education District #5 candidate, Perla Hopkins; State Republican Executive Committeewoman Susan Lucas; State Republican Executive Committeeman Bill Fairbrother; County Chair Curtis Courtney and your current Precinct Chairman or Chairwoman. This will be a night of getting to know who represents you in Bastrop County, ask questions and get to know each other.

The SBOE election is an important race between Perla Hopkins and a woke, liberal democrat from Austin. Perla will need your help to win this race. The SREC committeeman and committeewoman represent you and the Bastrop County Executive Committee at the state level. The SREC is the governing body of the Republican Party of Texas. While the SREC represents you at the state level, your precinct chairman represents you on a county wide level through the County Executive Committee.

It will be an interesting night of introductions, discussion, questions and answers. I would encourage your participation.

The meeting will start at 6:30 pm on August 22, 2022 at our local county office located at 443 W. Highway 71, Bastrop, TX 78602. If you have any questions, please contact Curtis Courtney, County Chair, phone: 512-925-6034, or email .


BCRP Website Updates

The Bastrop County Republican Party website will be under construction. We’ve officially started the 2022-2024 session. Website changes and updates will include:

  • Improved Site Content
  • Executive Committee Members, including:
    • New County Chair, All Precinct Chairs and New Officers
    • Calendar updates for Events and Activities

We will also be updating Republican Party of Texas links to the latest:

  • Rules, SREC Bylaws, State Platform and Legislative Priorities.

Also, we’re expecting to add new features, updating calendar events, general website clean up and restructuring.

Please stay tuned.

We’ve Moved Again!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]May 1 New Office locationBastrop County GOP is now located at 443 Hwy 71W in the former WIC in Bastrop. Our office is located in the strip mall with First National Bank & Tractor Supply. We’re just a couple of doors down from our prior, temporary location.

We’re closed Sunday and Monday. We’re open 10a.m. to 2p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. And, on Wednesday, we’re open in the early evening: 2p.m. to 6p.m.

Stop by and say “Howdy”![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

How to be a Convention Delegate

PLEASE NOTE: Several precinct convention locations have changed.  If you live in precinct 1001, 1002, 1003, 2010 or 4024, please click the “Check this list” link again to see the new location list.

Why would you want to be a convention delegate?  Convention delegates vote for the GOP Party platform.  Delegates to state convention choose the Party chair who will lead the Texas GOP through the midterms and in preparation for the 2024 Presidential election.  Besides the formal business, you meet like minded people!

The process is as follows:

  1. Vote in the GOP primary or fill out the form to affiliate with the Republican Party.
  2. Attend your precinct convention.  Precinct conventions will be held after the polls close at 7PM on March 1.  Where? Check this list for your precinct convention location.
  3. If you can’t make the convention: Please email Chairman Mike Gepner no later than February 25 at . Include your name, precinct, email address, and phone number in the email. If you have resolutions for consideration by the convention, please bring them to the precinct convention or email them to Mike Gepner.
  4. Be sure you are nominated and vote in as a delegate or alternate to the Bastrop County GOP Convention.
  5. This is a must to be a delegate to the Bastrop County convention.
    1. If you arrive for your precinct convention and no one else is there, you can run your own convention.  There will be a packet with forms that need to be filled out.  Do so, and you’ll have run your first convention!
    2. If more than one person arrives, but no one seems to be in charge, you can run the convention.
  6. When you receive the application to be a delegate to the State convention (June 16-18, Houston), be sure to return it as quickly as possible.  This is a must to be a delegate to the TexasGOP convention.
  7. Attend the Bastrop County GOP convention on March 26 at 10AM at the Family Worship Center, 2425 FM 1704, Elgin.
  8. Be sure you are nominated and vote in as a delegate or alternate to the Texas GOP Convention.
  9. Attend the Texas GOP Convention in Houston.  Meet fellow delegates.  Have fun!

2022 Texas GOP Logo with dates

Important dates:

  • March 1: Election Day and Precinct Conventions.  See list for locations.
  • March 26: Bastrop County GOP Convention. 10AM.  Family Worship Center, Elgin
  • June 16 – 18: Texas GOP Convention, Houston

4th Annual Bastrop County GOP Boots & Barbecue a Success

More than three hundred Republicans gathered at the Bastrop Convention Center Saturday evening, September 25, for an enjoyable and informative evening of political discourse.  The fourth annual Bastrop County GOP Boots & Barbecue Fundraiser featured TX Congressman Michael Cloud, CD-27, who introduced keynote speaker Congressman Dan Crenshaw, TX CD-2.   TX Representative John Cyrier was back for his annual appearance as Master of Ceremonies.  Texas Senator Dawn Buckingham, SD-24, engaged the audience with stories from the TX legislature.

Mark Torrey, Precinct Chair 3012 and Event Committee chairman, said “Every year this great event brings amazing political speakers to Bastrop County.  The combination of a rousing live auction, a variety of silent auction items, and of course great barbecue, make this a ‘not to be missed’ fundraiser”.  He added, “This wouldn’t be possible without the hard work of the committee members and I extend my deepest thanks to them.”

The evening’s activities and entertainment included a social hour, VIP reception, silent and live auctions, cocktails hosted by 602 Brewery, dinner by Billy’s Pit BBQ, and dessert sponsored by TX HD-17 candidate Jennifer Bezner.

“The Bastrop County GOP is honored to have the support of so many current and former elected officials”, said GOP Chair Mike Gepner.  Attending officials included former Speaker of the Texas House Gib Lewis, Sheriff Maurice Cook, District Clerk Sarah Loucks, County Clerk Rose Pietsch, County Commissioners Mark Meuth, Clara Beckett and former County Commissioner Don Loucks.  The Republican Party was well represented by Bastrop County GOP Chair Mike Gepner, State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) members representing Bastrop County Olga Lasher and Fernando Treviño, former SREC member Jan Duncan, along with many other party officials from Bastrop and surrounding counties.

Net proceeds will support local Party initiatives, GOP candidates, and Party administrative needs.  The Bastrop County Republican Party is deeply appreciative for the support of table sponsors, attendees, silent and live auction donors, and the many local and county businesses that generously supported this event.

The Bastrop County Republican Party County Executive Committee is comprised of the twenty-two elected GOP precinct chairs.  The County Executive Committee is the governing body of the Bastrop County Republican Party and conducts all official party business. Its website is

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