Category: Commentary

BCRP Friendsgiving – November 27th, 2023

Bastrop County Republican Party
~ Friendsgiving ~

The Bastrop County Republican Party will host a Food and Fellowship get together to show our appreciation to our elected officials for their service and support.

Please join us on:

November 27th, 2023
First National Bank
2nd Floor Community Room
489 Highway 71 West
Bastrop Texas

Doors open at 6:00pm.

Visit our website for information on other party activities, meetings and events.
Our office is located at:
443 Highway 71 West
Bastrop Texas 78602

Phone: (512) 409-1415

Office hours: Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, and Thurs: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Informational Meeting – October 23rd, 2023

Fran Rhodes is currently serving as president of True Texas Project (TTP).  Mrs. Rhodes first became interested in politics when Obama was elected. She attended a Tax Day rally in 2009, and joined several grassroots groups, subscribing to their online newsletters.  Mrs. Rhodes started attending NE Tarrant Tea Party meetings in the summer of 2009.  In 2010, she took on  leadership of the Volunteer Liaison program, and in 2013, established the Citizen Advocate program.  In 2014 she joined the Board of NE Tarrant Tea Party, and in 2016 became Vice President, and was promoted to President in 2019 when NETTP re-branded and relaunched into the True Texas Project (TTP). Mrs. Rhodes is now helping to lead the organization and grow the grassroots army in Texas.

Mrs. Rhodes’ passion for this service comes from a desire to actually make a difference, influence what goes on in our government, and really make our voices heard.  According to Mrs. Rhodes, “Even when we don’t get the outcomes we want, people see that we show up, we put in the time, we do the work, and we are not going away!” Mrs. Rhodes holds a BA in Business Management from Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio, and is retired from a career in sales and marketing in the office furniture industry.  Originally from Illinois, she got to Texas as soon as she could, considers herself a Texan after 3 decades of living in the Lone Star State, and is passionate about fighting for liberty in Texas.

When she is not fighting for legislation, speaking to others about activism, or organizing the latest TTP special event, she is an active member of her church choir, and enjoys sewing, quilting and gardening.  Fran can be reached at , on FacebookTwitter, and MeWe.

6th Annual Boots and Barbecue is almost here

The Bastrop County Republican Party presents Special Guest and Keynote Speaker:

Lindsay Graham, “the Patriot Barbie” 

Online Registration closes at Midnight tonight, Wednesday September 20th 2023!!   

If you’ve not signed up yet, don’t miss your opportunity click HERE to register online!!

open registration time remaining …


Join us as we celebrate ‘We The People’
Read more information below, or tap on the image to visit our official website article.

Why are we having a Fundraiser?

You’re kidding, right?

1. Legislative elections are quickly approaching. Do you understand all that is being voted on? 2. Speakers as well as information distributed from our office can help you navigate the legalese that is written on the ballot. 3. The Primary election is on everyone’s mind and follows quickly. Although the party cannot endorse within our own party candidates, perhaps we can help you gather info that makes your decision easier. 4. We rent and maintain a local office where you can come to get information from monthly meetings (held on the last Monday of each month) that feature folks from all sorts of organizations and/or offices that effect your political decisions and what impacts you. 5. The office is also available to be used by party candidates for meet & greets or other political gatherings. 6. We donate funds to the Candidate Resource Committee which helps fund our different court judge races and many down ballot races who do not have funds to get started. 7. During the general election we frequently must purchase candidate signs, so they are available for our County. We have had people ask why there are so many Democrat signs, and we don’t have that many? Because we are depending on funds that are set aside to purchase them. We are not funded by outside sources or special interests! 8. Along with the help of LPRW we have printed voter guides, and will continue, so you can navigate who really stands for what, and who represents your beliefs. 9. We do all we can to connect with you through email, block walking, info texting to get the latest to you. You get the idea! Join us Saturday, September 23 for Boots & Barbecue! It’s not just a fundraiser – it’s a FUNdraiser!

Remembrance Day, 2023


Our thoughts come around to “Let’s Roll” every year. On that brilliant September morning 22 years ago, while millions of Americans were preparing to start their day, we remember the attacks that struck our Nation. To all the First Responders, Firefighters, Police, EMTs, Flight Crews, Attendants, the brave passengers and civilians, and the many other heroes lost… We Honor and Remember you this day. You will Never Be Forgotten.



Informational Meeting – September 25th, 2023

Tim Hardin serves as the president and CEO of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility (TFR). Texans for Fiscal Responsibility is an independent educational non-profit organization seeking to illuminate the actions of government, educate and equip citizens to effectively advocate for pro-taxpayer reforms, and hold lawmakers accountable for their actions. TFR has addressed hundreds of organizations and groups all across the Lone Star State.

Consistent with their guiding principles, TFR has identified key legislative priorities in the wake of the 88th Texas Legislature. While Republicans maintain a strong majority, there are no excuses for lawmakers to be derelict in their duty to pass commonsense reforms called for by the grassroots. The Texas Prosperity Plan is TFR’s policy goal to achieve a fiscally responsible Texas.

Tim has an undergraduate degree in philosophy and political science from the University of North Texas. He also earned his master’s degree in biblical studies from West Coast Baptist College. Tim is a small-business man and pastor and served as a chief of staff in the Texas House for eight years. He resides in Fort Worth with his wife, Luisa, and their five children, Elijah, Noah, Micah, Jeremiah, and Selah.

“32nd Annual Rockne Homecoming Parade”

Riding together as “We the People” were members and supporters of the Bastrop County Republican Party on a float of patriotic Red, White and Blue, in the 32nd Annual Rockne Homecoming Parade. This years parade was dedicated to Grand Marshall Arthur Goertz, celebrating his 100th birthday on September 25th, rode at the front of the procession in a bright yellow convertible with horse silhouettes mounted on the sides. The parade route started at Red Rock Grocery at Fohn Road and FM 20 from there up to FM 535 then into downtown Rockne where crowds cheered and waved American flags for the largest parade in Homecoming history. BCRP and BCC thanks everyone who came out to cheer and wave.

Informational Meeting with Cindi Castilla

The Informational Meeting on Monday August 28th, drew a large crowd of serious Bastrop and adjacent Counties residents, as Cindi Castilla from The Texas Eagle Forum shared her knowledge on the status of several key Texas legislation. Many discussion topics are closely related to the Legislative Priorities passed at the 2022 Republican Party of Texas State Convention. Special note was given to those targeting improved Texas’ education, removing pornography from public schools, efforts on the ban of gender modification, the continued effort of illicit drug trafficking and more. Her presentation style encouraged spontaneous questions which worked well to clarify points of information while fresh in the audience minds. The TEF is working to encourage Governor Abbott to include those key legislation in an upcoming special session to ensure they are addressed in a timely manner.

The Bastrop County Republican Party Informational Meetings are held the 4th Monday of every month at 6pm with the goal of sharing issues important to the resident of Bastrop County and Texas as a whole. Check out the BCRP website and calendar for more information and article links for each meeting.

Informational Meeting – May 22, 2023

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]… will be held at the BCRP Office Meeting Room, located at 443 Highway 71 West, Bastrop, Texas (next door to Harbor Freight)

Doors open at 6:00pm for Networking,  Program starts at 6:30pm.

This months Informational Meeting will feature Kelly Perry, also known as a “Border Warrior”.  She is a  current SREC Committeewoman for SD 19.  Kelly is a Proud Patriot of Texas, and she has served as Legislative Priorities Chair, Sub Committee Border Security; and Border Security Advisor for the National Board of Moms of America.  Kelly is Vice President Special Events and Past President for Kinney County Republican Women.

Kelly will discuss her continued full time tasks of fighting the Border Crisis, her efforts working and supporting Legislative priorities, including strengthening penalties for Drug Smugglers and Human Trafficking.   Last September Kelly hosted a Border Security Summit at the Texas Capitol, assembling the greatest Border Experts from around the state and nation. Kelly will also be discussing living in a Border County, and how you can make a difference in the fight to save our state and country.

Come Early to ensure you get a good seat !!


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