Category: Commentary

October 24th Informational Meeting with RPT Vice-Chair Dr. Dana Myers


Republican Party of Texas (RPT) Vice-Chair Dr. Dana Myers will be speaking at the October 24th Informational Meeting!

This meeting location has been changed to the First National Bank Community Room,  489 West Highway 71 in Bastrop and will start at 6:30 pm.

Dr. Myers is a Medical Business Consultant at the health law firm Spiers Group, she works with a Texas-based investment and development group bringing medical businesses to Texas, and a two-term Vice-Chair of the Harris County Republican Party.  Dr. Myers has held leadership positions in the Texas Federation of Republican Women (TFRW), been the Regional Director for the Republican Party of Texas/TFRW Strike Force, past HCRP Co-Chair of Engagement, past RPT Communications Task Force member, and two-term President of Magic Circle Republican Women’s Club in Houston.  Dr. Myers is married to Dr. Jon Spiers, a former Republican General Land Office Candidate, and is a longtime resident of Houston, Texas.

During her two terms as Vice-Chair of the Harris County Republican Party, Dr. Myers helped to build and rebrand the party to increase its community engagement, communication, and voter registration efforts. With her special interest in training, recruitment, and increasing Republican voter turnout, Dr. Myers led an additional effort to recruit, train, and mobilize county and precinct chairs, and volunteers, across Texas using the latest technology.

At the 2022 Texas State Republican Convention in June, Dr. Dana Myers was elected to be the new Vice Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas.

This will prove to be an informative night you won’t want to miss.

LPRW brings back Pizza and Politics !!


Lost Pines Republican Women (LPRW) is hosting the next

Pizza and Politics

event September 11th from 2pm – 6pm at the Bastrop State Park Refectory Hall, 100 Park Road 1A in Bastrop Texas.

Texas Federation of Women (TFRW) President Kit Whitehall, and Comedian, Commentator Tim Young  will be speaking… Pre-registration is recommended to ensure a seat.

Click the flyer image, or “Pizza and Politics” or click/scan the QR code, for more information or to signup.


“Informational Meeting with Senator Charles Schwertner”


Bastrop County Republican Party and Bastrop County Conservatives are holding a joint informational meeting with Texas Senator Dr. Charles Schwertner, MD as our guest speaker. The meeting will be held September 26th 2022, at Casa Chapala, at 1800 Walnut Street in Bastrop. Networking will begin at 5:30pm, with the program starting at 6:30pm. Remember to arrive early to ensure you are seated.

Dr. Charles Schwertner, MD, resides in Williamson County near the small, central Texas town of Schwertner, that bears his family name. He is a lifelong Republican, a sixth-generation Texan, and a committed fighter for conservative values. Since 2013, Dr. Schwertner has represented Texas Senate District 5, an eleven-county region of central and east Texas that includes Bastrop County.

In 2010, Schwertner was elected to the Texas House of Representatives for District 20. In 2012 he campaigned for and won the Republican Primary for his current seat in the Texas Senate with over 75 percent of the vote. His current term ends in 2027.

Throughout his time in the Texas Legislature, Schwertner has championed a host of diverse and important policies, passed sweeping reforms to the regulation and oversight of the state’s electrical grid and authored one of the strongest Constitutional Carry laws in the nation. In prior sessions, Schwertner fought to expand access to mental health services, reform the state foster care system, strengthen landowner rights, cut taxes for small businesses, protect seniors from abuse, and lower tuition at public universities.

As Chairman of two powerful Senate Committees, he oversees a number of critical policy areas for the state of Texas. Schwertner also serves as a member of the Senate Committees on Education, Finance, State Affairs, and on the Legislative Budget Board, was also appointed to Chair the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission.



Get Out The Vote Workshop – September 21st, 2022

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Bastrop County Republican Party is hosting a condensed 3 hour “Get-Out-The-Vote Workshop”, Wednesday, September 21, 2022 from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. The workshop will be held at Casa Chapala, 1800 Walnut Street in Bastrop Texas and presented by instructors from The Leadership Institute.  Preregistration (and $10 fee) is required for the workshop and covers enrollment, course materials, and a meal. The Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) Workshop advances a comprehensive voter contact strategy, and you will learn ways to effectively implement targeted outreach to your supporters.

You will learn how to develop a systematic plan to get the most out of phones, door-to-door, early and absentee voters, and Election Day operations that deliver successful results. Additional on- demand content, which compliments this material, is available to program enrollees.

Ideal attendees for the GOTV Workshop are elected officials, current or future candidates for political office, campaign operatives, party officials, precinct chairs and campaign volunteers.

Attendees will learn how to:
• Recruit and manage volunteers
• Identify and target voters
• Use absentee and early voting tools • Coordinate Election Day activities
• Turn out their voters

More workshop, course and instructor information can be found on their Website, including Registration and sample Agenda links.


5th Annual Boots and Barbecue Fundraiser


Join your fellow Republicans Saturday, September 24, 2022, for the

5th Annual Boots & Barbecue Fundraiser !!


Welcome Lt. Governor Dan Patrick as our Keynote Speaker,
US Congressman Michal McCaul and
TX Senator Charles Schwertner
as our Guest Speakers for the evening!


Bastrop Convention and Exhibit Center
1408 Chestnut Street
Bastrop, Texas 78602

Doors open at 4:45 pm
Cocktail and VIP Receptions 5:00 – 6:15 pm
Dinner at 6:30 pm.

Dinner is provided by Billy”s Pit Barbecue
Cash Bar provided by Casa Chapala
Silent and Live Auctions for your bidding pleasure
as well as an evening of fun and friendship!

Click here for printable (PDF) registration form, or for on-line registration.

For more information contact:
Sue Beck – phone: (512) 913-7917, email: , or
Deb Layland – phone: (512) 814-9299, email: .

Update on Guest Speakers ...



[vc_row][vc_column][vc_hoverbox image=”7708″ primary_title=”Informational Meeting” hover_title=”Monthly Informational Meeting ” shape=”square”]

Come and meet the TEAM…..

The BCRP would like to invite you to come and hear from our newly elected State Board of Education District #5 candidate, Perla Hopkins; State Republican Executive Committeewoman Susan Lucas; State Republican Executive Committeeman Bill Fairbrother; County Chair Curtis Courtney and your current Precinct Chairman or Chairwoman. This will be a night of getting to know who represents you in Bastrop County, ask questions and get to know each other.

The SBOE election is an important race between Perla Hopkins and a woke, liberal democrat from Austin. Perla will need your help to win this race. The SREC committeeman and committeewoman represent you and the Bastrop County Executive Committee at the state level. The SREC is the governing body of the Republican Party of Texas. While the SREC represents you at the state level, your precinct chairman represents you on a county wide level through the County Executive Committee.

It will be an interesting night of introductions, discussion, questions and answers. I would encourage your participation.

The meeting will start at 6:30 pm on August 22, 2022 at our local county office located at 443 W. Highway 71, Bastrop, TX 78602. If you have any questions, please contact Curtis Courtney, County Chair, phone: 512-925-6034, or email .


BCRP Website Updates

The Bastrop County Republican Party website will be under construction. We’ve officially started the 2022-2024 session. Website changes and updates will include:

  • Improved Site Content
  • Executive Committee Members, including:
    • New County Chair, All Precinct Chairs and New Officers
    • Calendar updates for Events and Activities

We will also be updating Republican Party of Texas links to the latest:

  • Rules, SREC Bylaws, State Platform and Legislative Priorities.

Also, we’re expecting to add new features, updating calendar events, general website clean up and restructuring.

Please stay tuned.

Thank you for the opportunity

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT

Chairman Mike GepnerI want to thank everyone for their support for the Republican Party of Bastrop County.  As of tomorrow, June 13, my term as your Republican County Chairman is over.

Together, we have been able to keep Bastrop County Republican and contributed to keeping Texas red.  This is only because of you. Your hard work at working the polls, poll watching, telephone calls, door to door talking with people, volunteering, and so much more. Thank you for your contributions to this effort.

I’m putting my support for our new Republican Chairman Curtis Courtney. I pray that you will put your support with him also. We need to continue to work together for our REPUBLICAN Party, Republican candidates, and Republican elected officials.

It has been a joy to serve you. Thank you for the opportunity.

Mike Gepner[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Commentary: Innocent suffer in border surge

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Courtesy Don Loucks
Contributing columnist to The Statesman

It is difficult to understand the video showing two small girls ages 3 and 5 being dropped over 14-foot-tall border wall in Texas and then left there while the perpetrators fled back into Mexico. However, as the saying goes, “follow the money.”

Human trafficking — modern slavery, really — is a booming and very lucrative business. In fact, it is only a close second behind the illicit drug trade. How big, one wonders? Hundreds of billions of dollars big.

There are many facets to this tragedy; many layers and intensities of activity are in play. The dropping of children over the border and border walls is only one small part. Human beings in various capacities are valuable commodities.

Keep this in mind: This horrible human tragedy would not be happening if President Joe Biden had not cancelled the Trump plan to complete the border wall and strictly control who may enter the United States. It is clear that the word went out very early after the election that Biden would stop enforcing control of our borders. His administration cannot even call this crisis a crisis.

Set aside America’s Southern border crisis for a moment and consider something that came to light in late 2019 in the form of a so-called pandemic. Certainly, COVID-19 can be a deadly disease, but how was it so rapidly distributed from Wuhan, China, to other parts of the world such as Los Angeles, New York City, Florence, Italy, and Madrid, Spain, to name just a few?

The answer to the “why” is slave labor. Communist China provides laborers to other countries. In the case of COVID-19, it was primarily textile workers (clothing makers) who were contracted out to do clothing manufacturing. Who was paid?

The Communist Chinese regime “owns” its citizens. The money paid for their labor goes to their government, which takes a nice cut, then a pittance is paid to the laborers. This is slave labor. The Communist Chinese government owns its citizens, they are considered property.

To whom do the people crossing our Southern border then belong?

One of the terrifying smuggling techniques for monetary gain is to charge a large sum for conveying a person into the United States. Reported amounts of $5,000 to $15,000 dollars are common. Then, one would ask how these supposedly destitute people obtain such funds when the countries form which they originate are so poor?

Evidently, the new method is a form of “installment plan.” The coyotes (smugglers) take a deposit from the person seeking passage, and then the now-indentured slave is made to promise to send direct deposit payments monthly to the coyote’s bank accounts. If the payments are not made, the collateral (families of the migrants back home) are harmed or killed. This is serious business.

It is also reported that the drug and human smuggling cartels are intertwined and are so powerful they have become the actual government of most of northern Mexico. Is it possible for Americans to imagine the entire Southwest United States being controlled, government and all, by the Mafia? Please imagine that because that is exactly what it would be.

Some of the illegal immigrants act as “mules” for smuggling drugs across the border. If caught they are subject to drug smuggling charges and can be incarcerated. But there are other, more efficient means of smuggling drugs, such as tunnels, disguised shipping containers and even model aircraft and drones.

As a public, we have been aware of drug smuggling and the effects of drug addiction for many decades. It has only been relatively recently that the human trafficking and slavery prostitution have become newsworthy. The number world-wide is estimated to be 25 million slaves.

The Jeffery Epstein scandal, where under-age girls were taken to his private island for the pleasure of well-heeled clients, is just the tip of the iceberg. More coverage of kidnapping and sex slavery will be included in the second of this two-part column series.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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