2022 Republican Candidates
Note: Candidates marked with an ” * ” are running unopposed in this General Election and may not appear on the ballot.
Federal Level Candidates:
Office | Name | Website |
Congressional District 10 | Michael McCaul | https://michaelmccaul.com/ |
Congressional District 27 | Michael Cloud | https://www.cloudforcongress.com/ |
State Level Candidates:
Office | Name | Website |
Governor | Greg Abbott | https://www.gregabbott.com/ |
Lieutenant Governor | Dan Patrick | https://www.danpatrick.org/ |
Attorney General | Ken Paxton | https://kenpaxton.com/ |
Comptroller of Public Accounts | Glenn Hegar | https://glennhegar.com/ |
Commissioner of General Land Office | Dawn Buckingham | https://dawnbuckingham.com/ |
Commissioner of Agriculture | Sid Miller | https://millerfortexas.com/ |
Railroad Commissioner | Wayne Christian | https://www.christianfortexas.com/ |
Supreme Court Justice Place 3 | Debra Lehrmann | https://justicedebralehrmann.com/ |
Supreme Court Justice Place 5 | Rebeca Aizpuru Huddle | https://rebecahuddle.com/ |
Supreme Court Justice Place 9 | Evan Young | https://justiceevanyoung.com/ |
Criminal Appeals Judge Place 2 | Mary Lou Keel * | https://www.maryloukeel.com/ |
Criminal Appeals Judge Place 5 | Scott Walker | https://judgescottwalker.com/ |
Criminal Appeals Judge Place 6 | Jessie F. McClure, III | https://votejudgejesse.com/ |
State Board of Education District 5 | Perla Munoz-Hopkins | ttps://www.perlahopkinsfortexas.com |
State Senator District 5 | Charles Schwertner | https://drschwertner.com/ |
State Representative District 17 | Stan Gerdes | https://stangerdes.com/ |
Third Court of Appeals, Place 4 | Lesli Fitzpatrick | http://www.lesliforjustice.com/ |
County Level Candidates:
Office | Name | Website |
County Judge | Gregory Klaus | Facebook page |
County Treasurer | Brittany Ross * | Facebook page |
District Attorney | Bryan Goertz * | |
County Clerk | Krista Bartsch * | |
District Clerk | Sarah Loucks * | Facebook page |
Commissioner Precinct 2 | Clara Beckett | Facebook page |
Commissioner Precinct 4 | David Glass | Facebook page |
Justice of the Peace Precinct 1 | Cindy Allen | Facebook page |
Justice of the Peace Precinct 2 | Raymah M. Davis * | |
Justice of the Peace Precinct 3 | Krystal Stabeno * | |
Justice of the Peace Precinct 4 | Larry Dunne * | Facebook page |
Campaign signs for most of our Republican Candidates are available at the BCRP Office, Tuesday thru Saturday.
The BCRP office is located at 443 Highway 71 West, in the City of Bastrop
Hours are: 10:00am to 2:00pm Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 2:00pm to 6:00pm on Wednesdays
Your donations are always accepted and appreciated.
Get Out The Vote Workshop – September 21st, 2022
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Bastrop County Republican Party is hosting a condensed 3 hour “Get-Out-The-Vote Workshop”, Wednesday, September 21, 2022 from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. The workshop will be held at Casa Chapala, 1800 Walnut Street in Bastrop Texas and presented by instructors from The Leadership Institute. Preregistration (and $10 fee) is required for the workshop and covers enrollment, course materials, and a meal. The Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) Workshop advances a comprehensive voter contact strategy, and you will learn ways to effectively implement targeted outreach to your supporters.
You will learn how to develop a systematic plan to get the most out of phones, door-to-door, early and absentee voters, and Election Day operations that deliver successful results. Additional on- demand content, which compliments this material, is available to program enrollees.
Ideal attendees for the GOTV Workshop are elected officials, current or future candidates for political office, campaign operatives, party officials, precinct chairs and campaign volunteers.
Attendees will learn how to:
• Recruit and manage volunteers
• Identify and target voters
• Use absentee and early voting tools • Coordinate Election Day activities
• Turn out their voters
More workshop, course and instructor information can be found on their Website, including Registration and sample Agenda links.
Unopposed Precinct Chairs
If precinct chairs are uncontested, their names are not on the ballot.
This notice, in both English and Spanish, lists the unopposed GOP precinct chairs.
Work the polls
The Bastrop GOP is looking for pollworkers on Election Day, Tuesday March 1. Please contact GOP Chair Mike Gepner if you would like to work that day. This is a paid position and training will be provided.
Early voting starts February 14 and ends February 25. Would you like to be a poll watcher during the election? Please contact GOP Chair Mike Gepner if you would like to volunteer your time. This is fascinating work and helps ensure election integrity. A poll watcher guide is available through the TX Secretary of State website and some online training from the RNC.
Thinking About Running for Precinct Chair?
It’s time! If you want to be a candidate for Bastrop County precinct chair in 2022, the second opportunity to apply for a place on the ballot has begun.
The application must be filed between January 15, 2022 and 6:00 p.m. on February 12, 2022. (Section 172.023, Texas Election Code).
- Precinct Chairs can file using this Application for a Place on the Ballot.
- Applications for precinct chair candidates may be filed in person (contact County Chair Mike Gepner to do so) or by mail or email, as there is no filing fee associated with the office of precinct chair.
- A person must reside in the election precinct to be eligible to be a candidate for or to serve as a precinct chair for that precinct.
- Addition information, including qualification to run for Party office, is on the Secretary of State’s website.
We’ve Moved
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Bastrop County GOP is now located at 453 Hwy 71W in the former Bealls Shoes in Bastrop. (Please note the door says 443.) Our office is located in the strip mall with First National Bank & Tractor Supply. We’ll be in this spot until May 1 when we’ll be relocating a few doors down in the space now occupied by WIC.
New hours will be published next week. Once we do, please stop by and say hello![/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_single_image image=”7486″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]