Category: General News

Elgin and Smithville “Lighted Christmas Parades”

Your fully loaded Bastrop County Republican Party’s floats were very well received at both the Smithville and Elgin “Lighted Christmas” parades last night. Spectators along the parade routes cheered the well decorated and overflowing BCRP floats with thumbs up and holiday spirit. BCRP wishes everyone a Very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season!

Friendsgiving Get Together

BCRP Executive Committee, Supporters, Elected Officials and Candidates for the 2024 Primary Election gathered this week at the First National Banks 2nd floor Community Room for fellowship, fun conversation and shared appreciation of support and participation throughout the year. Homemade dishes, desserts and beverages filled plates while great conversation provided entertainment during the near capacity get together.

Notice of Candidate Intent to File


2024 March Primary Election Filing


My office hours for dropping off your application to be placed on the ballot for the March 5, 2024 Primary Election is as follows:

Office Hours:

  • November 11, 2023      10:00am to 2:00pm
  • December 11, 2023        9:00am to 6:00pm
    (6:00pm on the 11th is the latest you can file)

I will be available between those two dates upon request. Give me a call at 512-925-6034 to set up an appointment at our office located at 443 Highway 71 West, Bastrop, TX 78602.

I would encourage you to file early in case there are questions about your application. There will be no changes after 6:00pm on December 11, 2023.

Released: November 7, 2023

BCRP Friendsgiving – November 27th, 2023

Bastrop County Republican Party
~ Friendsgiving ~

The Bastrop County Republican Party will host a Food and Fellowship get together to show our appreciation to our elected officials for their service and support.

Please join us on:

November 27th, 2023
First National Bank
2nd Floor Community Room
489 Highway 71 West
Bastrop Texas

Doors open at 6:00pm.

Visit our website for information on other party activities, meetings and events.
Our office is located at:
443 Highway 71 West
Bastrop Texas 78602

Phone: (512) 409-1415

Office hours: Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, and Thurs: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm

6th Annual B&BBQ Huge Success !!!

Bastrop County Republicans and Supporters from across Central Texas gathered together this past Saturday, September 23rd, 2023 at the Bastrop Convention & Exhibit Center for an evening of camaraderie. Beginning with a VIP Reception and photo opportunity with our Keynote Speaker Lindsey Graham. Guests enjoyed a Cocktail Hour and viewed silent and live auction items before placing their bids.  Bastrop County Chair Curtis Courtney welcomed everyone with a warm greeting and paid well deserved recognition to all the Boots & Barbecue Committee members and countless volunteers responsible for planning and conducting this very popular and successful fundraiser event.    

Following these opening remarks, Mrs. Terry Moore led the audience in singing the National Anthem, Ms. Kylie Cunningham led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag and State of Texas Flag. The County Chair introduced all the Federal, State, County and Precinct elected officials present. Master of Ceremonies Lela Derr dismissed guests for the much anticipated buffet style BBQ dinner. Following the meal, guests listened to video presentations from State Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham and U.S. Senator Ted Cruz.  Texas District 17 Representative Stan Gerdes introduction of Keynote Speaker Lindsey Graham brought the crowd to their feet in rousing applause. Lindsey Graham, aka The Patriot Barbie, presented her story of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” of a strong woman, salon business owner, who defied the State of Oregons lockdown mandates and won!  Her efforts continue to empower women, champion men, embrace family values and has solidified her place at the front of the battle for women’s rights, unborn babies, and moms.

The Bastrop County Republican Party sincerely thanks all attending, the Speaker Table Co-Sponsors, Table Sponsors and ticket buyers, silent and live auction item donors and buyers, and the many local businesses for your continued and generous support.  Proceeds from these events support local party activities, Republican candidates, and party administrative needs.  For more information on other party activities, meetings and events please visit our website at  Our office is located at: 443 Highway 71 West, in Bastrop Texas.  Phone: (512) 409-1415, email: .  Office hours, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat, and 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Thurs.

6th Annual Boots and Barbecue is almost here

The Bastrop County Republican Party presents Special Guest and Keynote Speaker:

Lindsay Graham, “the Patriot Barbie” 

Online Registration closes at Midnight tonight, Wednesday September 20th 2023!!   

If you’ve not signed up yet, don’t miss your opportunity click HERE to register online!!

open registration time remaining …


Join us as we celebrate ‘We The People’
Read more information below, or tap on the image to visit our official website article.

Why are we having a Fundraiser?

You’re kidding, right?

1. Legislative elections are quickly approaching. Do you understand all that is being voted on? 2. Speakers as well as information distributed from our office can help you navigate the legalese that is written on the ballot. 3. The Primary election is on everyone’s mind and follows quickly. Although the party cannot endorse within our own party candidates, perhaps we can help you gather info that makes your decision easier. 4. We rent and maintain a local office where you can come to get information from monthly meetings (held on the last Monday of each month) that feature folks from all sorts of organizations and/or offices that effect your political decisions and what impacts you. 5. The office is also available to be used by party candidates for meet & greets or other political gatherings. 6. We donate funds to the Candidate Resource Committee which helps fund our different court judge races and many down ballot races who do not have funds to get started. 7. During the general election we frequently must purchase candidate signs, so they are available for our County. We have had people ask why there are so many Democrat signs, and we don’t have that many? Because we are depending on funds that are set aside to purchase them. We are not funded by outside sources or special interests! 8. Along with the help of LPRW we have printed voter guides, and will continue, so you can navigate who really stands for what, and who represents your beliefs. 9. We do all we can to connect with you through email, block walking, info texting to get the latest to you. You get the idea! Join us Saturday, September 23 for Boots & Barbecue! It’s not just a fundraiser – it’s a FUNdraiser!

Remembrance Day, 2023


Our thoughts come around to “Let’s Roll” every year. On that brilliant September morning 22 years ago, while millions of Americans were preparing to start their day, we remember the attacks that struck our Nation. To all the First Responders, Firefighters, Police, EMTs, Flight Crews, Attendants, the brave passengers and civilians, and the many other heroes lost… We Honor and Remember you this day. You will Never Be Forgotten.



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