Category: Government

Informational Meeting – May 27th 2024

~ Film Alley ~
Doors open at 6:00pm
Program starts at 6:30pm

May 27th, 2024
~ Film Alley ~
1600 Chestnut Street
Bastrop Texas

This months speaker will be Texas Senator Charles Schwertner, MD

Senator Schwertner will be speaking on AI, Crypto Currency and the Texas Gold Depository. This critically important Informational Meeting will be co-hosted by the Bastrop County Republican Party, Lost Pines Republican Women and Bastrop County Conservatives and will be held at Film Alley, located at 1600 Chestnut Street, at the North West corner of Chestnut Street and TX 95 in Bastrop Texas. (Map)

Senator Charles Schwertner, MD is a sixth-generation Texan and lifelong conservative Republican. Since 2013, Dr. Schwertner has represented Senate District 5, an eleven-county region of central and east Texas that includes Bastrop, Brazos, Freestone, Leon, Limestone, Madison, Milam, Robertson, San Jacinto, Walker, and Williamson counties.

As Chairman of the powerful Senate Committee on Business and Commerce and the Sunset Advisory Commission, Schwertner oversees a number of critical policy areas for the state of Texas, including electric utilities, insurance, banking, technology, and telecommunications. Schwertner also serves as a member of the Senate Committees on Finance, State Affairs, and on the Legislative Budget Board.

Throughout his time in the Texas Legislature, Schwertner has led the way on a number of important policy initiatives including authoring one of the strongest Constitutional Carry laws in the nation, reforming the state’s electrical grid, expanding access to mental health services, improving the state foster care system, strengthening landowner rights, cutting taxes for small businesses, protecting seniors from abuse, and fighting to lower tuition at public universities.

Schwertner and his wife Belinda (an obstetrician/gynecologist and Juris Doctor) reside in Georgetown. They have three adult sons: Carson, Zachary, and Matthew.

Curtis visits the Texas Governors Mansion

Bastrop County Chair Curtis Courtney and wife Cheryl, were present at the Texas Governors Mansion Friday December 1st 2023, along with Republicans from across the state. The event, offered by the Texas Republican County Chairmen’s Association, allowed for touring the building, gardens and grounds, learning the history of Texas’ most historical building, and a photo opportunity with Governor Abbott.

Photos provided by: Curtis Courtney

Notice of Candidate Intent to File


2024 March Primary Election Filing


My office hours for dropping off your application to be placed on the ballot for the March 5, 2024 Primary Election is as follows:

Office Hours:

  • November 11, 2023      10:00am to 2:00pm
  • December 11, 2023        9:00am to 6:00pm
    (6:00pm on the 11th is the latest you can file)

I will be available between those two dates upon request. Give me a call at 512-925-6034 to set up an appointment at our office located at 443 Highway 71 West, Bastrop, TX 78602.

I would encourage you to file early in case there are questions about your application. There will be no changes after 6:00pm on December 11, 2023.

Released: November 7, 2023

Constitutional Amendments on the Ballot 11/7/2023

Taxes – Schools – Water – Electricity – Broadband – and more …

It’s that time again when we get to grade the legislature on the work it has done and the laws it has proposed.

The election to be held on November 7th allows us to determine how the Texas Constitution is shaped going forward.

There are fourteen propositions on the ballot covering a wide range of issues that affect your pocketbook, retirement age for justices, sales tax, property tax, access to broadband, protecting and expanding water supplies, and more.

We are providing you with links to the propositions (at the Texas Secretary of States website), and to several analyses of these propositions with some commentary. See: Recommendations

We encourage you to consider how you will vote this year.

We defend our democracy through participation. Early voting starts on Monday, October 23rd, and election day is Tuesday, November 7th.

Bastrop County election information: Here

November 7th election information: Here

Language on the ballot: PDF

Explanatory statements: PDF

Last Day to Register to VoteTuesday, October 10, 2023*
*First business day after Columbus Day
First Day of Early Voting
by Personal Appearance
Monday, October 23, 2023 (17th day before election day falls on a Saturday, first day moves to next business day)
Last Day to Apply for Ballot by Mail
(Received, not Postmarked)
Friday, October 27, 2023
Last Day of Early Voting
by Personal Appearance
Friday, November 3, 2023
Last day to Receive Ballot by MailTuesday, November 7, 2023 (election day) at 7:00 p.m. if carrier envelope is not postmarked, OR Wednesday, November 8, 2023 (next business day after Election Day) at 5:00 p.m. if carrier envelope is postmarked by 7:00 p.m. at the location of the election on Election Day (unless overseas or military voter deadlines apply)
Election DayTuesday, November 7, 2023

Lyle Nelson sworn in as City of Bastrop Mayor

Lyle Nelson was sworn in as Mayor for the City of Bastrop at 6:00 PM, June 20th, 2023 reciting the Oath of Office administered by Judge Christopher Duggan while his daughter Hannah Robinson held their family bible and grandson Elijah Valderez lead the pledges of allegiance. The ceremony was held in the Bastrop City Council Chambers and attended by family, friends, supporters and City Council members. Mayor Nelson will work to improve the city infrastructure, roads, positive development, and managed growth among other issues.

Lyle Nelson wins Runoff Election

City of Bastrop voters turned out in the numbers necessary to elect Lyle Nelson as the next City of Bastrop Mayor, defeating opponent Dock Jackson by 46 votes. Nelson had 567 votes, to Jackson’s 521, and will succeed Connie Schroeder who is stepping down after 2 terms. The swearing in ceremony will be held June 20th, 2023 at 6:00PM at City Hall.

On Sunday Mayor Elect Nelson commented “I am honored and humbled to be elected as Bastrop’s next mayor. I believe the key to winning was voter involvement as well as a consistent message about continuing to address our infrastructure and encouraging positive development.”

The pride of Bastrop City voters in this election is evidenced by the support from individuals and organizations throughout Bastrop County. Congratulations Mayor Elect Lyle Nelson !

BCRP Endorses Lyle Nelson for Mayor

Bastrop County Republican Party Endorses Lyle Nelson for Mayor of Bastrop, TX.

Once again we have the opportunity to make a difference in our representation by exercising our right to vote. If you live, or know someone who lives in the City of Bastrop, we would encourage you to get out and vote for Lyle Nelson for Mayor of Bastrop, TX.

Run-off election runs May 30th thru June 6th with election day on Saturday June 10th, 2023. (See

Lyle is the only candidate with experience, knowledge and a conservative mind set to carry Bastrop through the next decade. He is committed to an open and inclusive City government, one that is responsive to ALL citizens. When elected, Lyle will review key services like road maintenance, drainage, wastewater, and more, to identify improvement for today and our future.

Lyle has the real hands-on experience that will allow him to execute on his vision.  He knows how the City Council works and how to impact change.  Beyond the City Council, Lyle has worked with a number of organizations that directly impact the city of Bastrop. With your help, he will be our voice.


  • Two terms on City Council with four years as Mayor Pro Tem,
  • Member of Capital Area Council of Governments responsible for regional issues in a ten-county area,
  • Member of Central Texas Clean Air Coalition, a voluntary organization that supports improving air quality in the region,
  • Chairman of the Regional Transit Coordination Committee, an organization that provides  coordination support for transportation organizations, health and human service agencies, and other transit providers,
  • Christian,
  • Veteran.

Lyle is a candidate for all the people. He is intelligent, balanced, fair, and a business man. His goals are, and have always been to make the best decisions for all residents of the City of Bastrop.

Join us in electing Lyle as the next Mayor of Bastrop.



Curtis Courtney, Chairman

“I Voted” Sticker Contest

The Bastrop County Elections Office conducted their First Ever “I Voted” and “Future Voter” sticker contest announcing the winners and presented awards at the Commissioners Court on February 27th.

“I Voted” Sticker Contest Winners

Congratulations to Sophia Royster, a Junior attending Smithville High School, for winning First Place!  In second place is Avery Fobert, a 7th Grade student at Bastrop Middle School. Third place goes to Mateo Martinez, a Sophomore homeschool student, and son of BCRP Precinct 1003 Chairwoman Cathy Martinez and husband George.

“Future Voter” Sticker Contest Winners

Congratulations to Kyla Coleman, a 2nd Grade student at Bluebonnet Elementary School, for winning Bastrop County’s first “Future Voter” Sticker Contest! In second place is Isaiah Mubasher, a 3rd Grade homeschool student. Third place goes to Henley Duty, a 1st Grade student at Smithville Elementary School.

For the rest of the story, the full winners list, and winning designs, visit

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