Category: Holidays

Brown Santa Donations and Gifts delivered

Members of the Bastrop County Republican Party (BCRP) gathered the morning of December 14th, 2022 to present collected gifts of toys and a cash donation of $800.00 to the Bastrop County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) “Brown Santa Program”.    This annual holiday event benefits qualified children, families and elderly citizens of Bastrop County providing toys, clothing, food, and other needed items during the Christmas season.  BCRP selected the Sheriff’s Office “Brown Santa Program” because of our mutual county-wide interests, coverage, and representation, and join the Sheriff’s Office in sending warm Merry Christmas wishes to all in Bastrop County.

Pictured L to R: Sheriff Maurice Cook, B.A.S.E. Coordinator Stevie Sugars, BCRP Chair Curtis Courtney.
Pictured L to R Standing: Sheriff Maurice Cook, Carl Rees, Stevie Sugars, Deputy Robert Williams, Mark Torrey, Dawn Thompson, Sue Beck, Stephen Beck, Debra Carter, Curtis Courtney;  Kneeling: Susan Carlisle, Glenn Carlisle.

Bastrop Lighted Christmas Parade

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation=”fadeIn”]The Bastrop County Republican Party had a festive evening participating in the Bastrop Lighted Christmas Parade, Saturday December 10th 2022. Joining the fun with a trailer full of Conservative supporters were Sheriff Maurice Cook, County Judge Elect Gregory Klaus, Mel Hamner, Wayne Wood, Krista Bartsch, County Chair Curtis Courtney and numerous BCRP Precinct Chairs and family. Spectators and parade watchers alike, admired the brightly lit and decorated float pulled by Carl Rees’ bright yellow 1927 Ford Model T “Phaeton” Roadster.


Brown Santa Donations Drive


Brown Santa Donations Drive

Your Bastrop County Republican Party is collecting donations of cash and unwrapped toys to benefit the Bastrop County Sheriffs Office “Brown Santa Program”. 

Your donations can be dropped off at the BCRP Office on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00am to 2:00pm, or on Wednesday from 2:00pm to 6:0pm.

Please make sure your donations are received by Tuesday, December 6th.


Brown Santa Donation Drive

Brown Santa Donations Drive

BCRP is collecting donations of cash and unwrapped toys to benefit the Bastrop County Sheriffs Office “Brown Santa Program”. Your donations can be dropped off at the BCRP Office during office hours, which are Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00am to 2:00pm, or on Wednesday from 2:00pm to 6:0pm. Please make sure your donations are received by Tuesday, December 6th.

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