Category: National News

Remembrance Day, 2023


Our thoughts come around to “Let’s Roll” every year. On that brilliant September morning 22 years ago, while millions of Americans were preparing to start their day, we remember the attacks that struck our Nation. To all the First Responders, Firefighters, Police, EMTs, Flight Crews, Attendants, the brave passengers and civilians, and the many other heroes lost… We Honor and Remember you this day. You will Never Be Forgotten.



Informational Meeting – May 22, 2023

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]… will be held at the BCRP Office Meeting Room, located at 443 Highway 71 West, Bastrop, Texas (next door to Harbor Freight)

Doors open at 6:00pm for Networking,  Program starts at 6:30pm.

This months Informational Meeting will feature Kelly Perry, also known as a “Border Warrior”.  She is a  current SREC Committeewoman for SD 19.  Kelly is a Proud Patriot of Texas, and she has served as Legislative Priorities Chair, Sub Committee Border Security; and Border Security Advisor for the National Board of Moms of America.  Kelly is Vice President Special Events and Past President for Kinney County Republican Women.

Kelly will discuss her continued full time tasks of fighting the Border Crisis, her efforts working and supporting Legislative priorities, including strengthening penalties for Drug Smugglers and Human Trafficking.   Last September Kelly hosted a Border Security Summit at the Texas Capitol, assembling the greatest Border Experts from around the state and nation. Kelly will also be discussing living in a Border County, and how you can make a difference in the fight to save our state and country.

Come Early to ensure you get a good seat !!


Informational Meeting ~ March 27th 2023

The March 27th Informational Meeting will feature Rebekah Warwick, Central Regional Coordinator and Lobbyist for Heritage Action for America, based in Mansfield, TX.   Meeting location will be announced by email and website update …   As usual, the doors open at 6:00pm for networking, and the program will start at 6:30pm.

Prior to Heritage Action Rebekah worked for the Majority Whip of the Colorado Senate Republicans and on various local campaigns in the Denver Metroplex. She holds bachelor’s degrees in history and political science.

As Central Regional Coordinator, Rebekah partners with 4,000 Heritage Action Sentinels and over 125,000 grassroots activists to hold lawmakers accountable and advocate for conservative policies. She is an experienced public speaker and regularly hosts trainings with activists on how to influence the policy debates at the federal and state level. Her editorials have been published in the Dallas Morning News and the Fort Worth Star Telegram.

Heritage Action Mission:

Heritage Action’s unique strategy combines inside-the-Beltway lobbying with outside-the-Beltway grassroots pressure. They communicate directly with lawmakers in Congress and in our state capitals and work with grassroots on the ground to know the issues and take effective action to influence the legislative process. Through this strategy Heritage Action works to bring about the conservative policies that hold true to our Founding Fathers’ ideals. Heritage Action exists to ensure that these ideals are not only maintained but flourish, both now and for future generations.



Informational Meeting – February 27th


The next Informational Meeting of 2023 will be February 27th in Bastrop, at the BCRP Office, Meeting Room.   Doors open for networking at 6:00pm with the program starting at 6:30pm.  This meeting will feature Wes Virdell, a USAF Veteran, staunch 2A at the state and federal level, and current serves as the Texas State Director of Gun Owners of America.    

Here’s a little more about our speaker.

Born and raised in the heart of Texas, Wes Virdell is a veteran and small business owner in the Transportation Industry. Like many hardworking Texans, Wes places a priority on faith, family, and freedom. Wes is 9th generation Texan and 14th generation American.

A few short years after graduating from Brady High School in 1998, Wes served in the U.S. Air Force where he worked on Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and served as a Military Training Leader.

After being honorably discharged from the military, Wes returned to his hometown of Brady and got involved in the fight for the right to keep and bear arms.

Wes started attending committee hearings for gun legislation in Texas in 2011 and was active in the battles for open carry in 2015 and Constitutional Carry in 2021.

Wes has served as a 2020 and 2022 State Delegate for the Republican Party of Texas and as a 2020 National Delegate for the Republican National Convention.

Most recently, Wes served as the Texas Hill Country Coordinator for Gun Owners of America from 2020 to 2022.

With the support of his family and countless liberty-loving Texas patriots, Wes now serves as the Texas State Director for Gun Owners of America and leading the fight to protect our inalienable rights.




Remembering Veterans 2022

Remembering and honoring all our family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances, both active duty and retirees on this Veterans Day 2022. Without you and your commitments and sacrifices we would not be free to express this gratitude and admiration. May God Bless You and may God continue to Bless the United States of America!!

Commentary: Innocent suffer in border surge

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Courtesy Don Loucks
Contributing columnist to The Statesman

It is difficult to understand the video showing two small girls ages 3 and 5 being dropped over 14-foot-tall border wall in Texas and then left there while the perpetrators fled back into Mexico. However, as the saying goes, “follow the money.”

Human trafficking — modern slavery, really — is a booming and very lucrative business. In fact, it is only a close second behind the illicit drug trade. How big, one wonders? Hundreds of billions of dollars big.

There are many facets to this tragedy; many layers and intensities of activity are in play. The dropping of children over the border and border walls is only one small part. Human beings in various capacities are valuable commodities.

Keep this in mind: This horrible human tragedy would not be happening if President Joe Biden had not cancelled the Trump plan to complete the border wall and strictly control who may enter the United States. It is clear that the word went out very early after the election that Biden would stop enforcing control of our borders. His administration cannot even call this crisis a crisis.

Set aside America’s Southern border crisis for a moment and consider something that came to light in late 2019 in the form of a so-called pandemic. Certainly, COVID-19 can be a deadly disease, but how was it so rapidly distributed from Wuhan, China, to other parts of the world such as Los Angeles, New York City, Florence, Italy, and Madrid, Spain, to name just a few?

The answer to the “why” is slave labor. Communist China provides laborers to other countries. In the case of COVID-19, it was primarily textile workers (clothing makers) who were contracted out to do clothing manufacturing. Who was paid?

The Communist Chinese regime “owns” its citizens. The money paid for their labor goes to their government, which takes a nice cut, then a pittance is paid to the laborers. This is slave labor. The Communist Chinese government owns its citizens, they are considered property.

To whom do the people crossing our Southern border then belong?

One of the terrifying smuggling techniques for monetary gain is to charge a large sum for conveying a person into the United States. Reported amounts of $5,000 to $15,000 dollars are common. Then, one would ask how these supposedly destitute people obtain such funds when the countries form which they originate are so poor?

Evidently, the new method is a form of “installment plan.” The coyotes (smugglers) take a deposit from the person seeking passage, and then the now-indentured slave is made to promise to send direct deposit payments monthly to the coyote’s bank accounts. If the payments are not made, the collateral (families of the migrants back home) are harmed or killed. This is serious business.

It is also reported that the drug and human smuggling cartels are intertwined and are so powerful they have become the actual government of most of northern Mexico. Is it possible for Americans to imagine the entire Southwest United States being controlled, government and all, by the Mafia? Please imagine that because that is exactly what it would be.

Some of the illegal immigrants act as “mules” for smuggling drugs across the border. If caught they are subject to drug smuggling charges and can be incarcerated. But there are other, more efficient means of smuggling drugs, such as tunnels, disguised shipping containers and even model aircraft and drones.

As a public, we have been aware of drug smuggling and the effects of drug addiction for many decades. It has only been relatively recently that the human trafficking and slavery prostitution have become newsworthy. The number world-wide is estimated to be 25 million slaves.

The Jeffery Epstein scandal, where under-age girls were taken to his private island for the pleasure of well-heeled clients, is just the tip of the iceberg. More coverage of kidnapping and sex slavery will be included in the second of this two-part column series.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Commentary: The U.S. Senate must preserve the filibuster to protect America from radical laws

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Courtesy Don Loucks
Contributing columnist to The Statesman

Democrats warn that if they do not get their way in passing their radical legislation through the U.S. Senate, they will do away with the legislative filibuster in order to do so. That’s a dangerous threat.

Let’s review some history of the Senate.

In the original U.S. Constitution, Senators were selected by their state’s legislatures. In the unamended Article I, Section 3, “The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.”

Senators were not elected by the voters. Rather, the state legislators who were elected by the people, chose their state’s U.S. senators, accurately described as each state’s ambassadors to the federal government. Thus, there was a degree of separation between the popular culture and governance.

Then came the populist movement in 1913 under Progressive Democrat Woodrow Wilson. The loud complaint was that the Senate was too stodgy and obstructive, and popular and progressive (liberal) legislation was unfairly killed or modified. Also, after the Civil War, many disagreements among state legislators left vacancies in the Senate, some lasting a long time and leaving states without representation in that chamber.

The founders, however, left Senate picks to state legislatures because they knew the dangers of a public that could be easily or temporarily swayed by appealing fads, like socialism.

Then came 17th Amendment — one of several destructive changes to U.S. governance.

The 17th Amendment restates the first paragraph of Article I, section 3 of the Constitution and provides for the election of senators by replacing the phrase “chosen by the Legislature thereof” with “elected by the people thereof.” In addition, it allows the governor or executive authority of each state, if authorized by that state’s legislature, to appoint a senator in the event of a vacancy, until a general election occurs.

Before the 17th Amendment, states were somewhat protected from legislation unfavorable or harmful to them.

The legislative filibuster, a parliamentary procedure used to delay or block legislation in the Senate, also enhanced that protective function.

As it was with the progressives of 1913, our radical Democratic Senate majority of this Congress sees the filibuster as just another impediment to their leftist goals. If the filibuster is eliminated, states will be run over by harmful, unstoppable legislation.

The filibuster is defined by a Senate rule. Under this rule a senator may halt the progress to vote on a bill by invoking their right to continue debate on it. A filibuster may be stopped if three-fifths of all Senators (usually 60) vote to end debate. This vote is commonly called “cloture.”

However, because it is a rule, it can be changed or removed by the Senate if two-thirds of the senators present vote for the change, which would be very difficult to achieve. Senators know the filibuster protects the minority party in that chamber.

Also, the filibuster protects senators from political toss-up states. Those senators are leery of voting for legislation that is unpopular with those who elected them – gun control is a good example.

The Democrat leadership in power now, however, may not honor their desires and may attempt to change the Senate rules without the 67 votes currently required for such a change. The loophole is a provision that requires only a simple majority of 51 votes, to virtually circumvent a Senate rule by an arcane maneuver of claiming “precedence” by allowing for a simple majority vote. This “nuclear option” has been used by Republicans and Democrats, most recently Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., used the option in 2019 to advance President Donald Trump’s executive and judicial nominees.

With Democrats in power now, they will do absolutely anything to ram their radical agenda through to be signed by the president.

Watch closely in the coming weeks to see what the Democrats will try to pass, and watch just as closely as what Congress actually passes.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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