Informational Meeting with Cindi Castilla

The Informational Meeting on Monday August 28th, drew a large crowd of serious Bastrop and adjacent Counties residents, as Cindi Castilla from The Texas Eagle Forum shared her knowledge on the status of several key Texas legislation. Many discussion topics are closely related to the Legislative Priorities passed at the 2022 Republican Party of Texas State Convention. Special note was given to those targeting improved Texas’ education, removing pornography from public schools, efforts on the ban of gender modification, the continued effort of illicit drug trafficking and more. Her presentation style encouraged spontaneous questions which worked well to clarify points of information while fresh in the audience minds. The TEF is working to encourage Governor Abbott to include those key legislation in an upcoming special session to ensure they are addressed in a timely manner.

The Bastrop County Republican Party Informational Meetings are held the 4th Monday of every month at 6pm with the goal of sharing issues important to the resident of Bastrop County and Texas as a whole. Check out the BCRP website and calendar for more information and article links for each meeting.