“Remembering 9/11 Today”
America stands proud knowing our country was not divided by the senseless attacks 21 years ago in the failed attempt to cripple our country, our Nation, our very way of life. Rather we stand as a Nation, United as we are accurately named. There is no doubt, for those of us old enough back then, to remember precisely where we were and what we were doing when the four hijacked airliners struck their blows.
Let us all take this day to remember all those who rushed to help without hesitation. To honor the sacrifices and loss of those First Responders, and thousands of volunteers who helped clean up the mess, the unified response of this nation, and the commitments made by our government, citizens and Armed Forces to stare down this face of evil that took so many innocent lives on that day…
Let us all put aside our differences as we gather United in the memory of that day.
God Bless Texas and may God continue to bless the United States of America.