2nd Annual Golf Classic results ..
Friday, April 19th 2024. The Bastrop County Republican Party (BCRP) held it’s 2nd Annual
Golf Classic at the beautiful ColoVista Golf Club, located above the banks of the Colorado
River in Bastrop. Players enjoyed sausage wraps and beverages, warmups on the driving range,
and honed their putting skills before the customary Shotgun Start at Noon. Fifteen teams
descended onto the links with the goal to have fun, compete for trophies and Hole In One
contests for prizes, including a brand new Chevrolet Silverado Pickup on the uniquely
challenging 15th hole.
At the conclusion of play, and following a Schlotzsky’s box meal, Curtis Courtney presented
Trophies to: First Place Team: Charlie King, Michelle King, Jacob King and Colby King;
Second Place Team: Virgil King, Adam Meuth, David King and Wesley King; with Third Place
Team: Gary Klaus, Ethan Bryce, Curtis Perkins and Randy Mudschink. There was no Hole-In-
One winner for the Silverado.
BCRP gratefully acknowledges and thanks Fire King for returning as Ace Sponsor; CenTex Air
& Heat and CasPro Builders as Birdie Sponsors; Covert Bastrop as Hole-In-One Sponsor; Meal
Sponsors: Bastrop Mobile Home and RV Parts, Senator Charles Schwertner, Brown
Distributing, Rangel & Brymer LLC, Re/Max Frank Rainosek Team, and Glen and Susan
Carlisle; and Hole Sponsors: Best Friends Boarding, Pampered Paws by Best Friends, Best
Friends Boarding Too, Duett’s Tire & Automotive Service, Chris Dillon Law, Lost Pines
Republican Women, & Jen Bezner, Stephen & Sue Beck, Elgin General Store, Belinda
Rodriquez, Loose Cannon Welding Company, Krista Bartsch Bastrop County Clerk, Linda
Roberts, ZAPCO Die-Cut Paper Products, Law Office of Derek VanGilder, County
Commissioner – Precinct 1, and John Winkleman for District 335 Judge. The planning
committee wishes to thank all the volunteers for their tireless efforts for without this event
would not have been as successful.

Easter Message
Bastrop County Republicans wish everyone a Blessed Resurrection Sunday in remembrance of His Death, Burial and Resurrection. Jesus died, and through the shedding of His Blood, we can have Eternal Life through the forgiveness of our sins.

2nd Annual Golf Classic
Calling all Golfers, Supporters and Fans to join us for our 2024 “2nd Annual Golf Classic”.
* Individual Player $75
* Foursome Team $300
* Ace Sponsor $1000
Recognized as Ace Sponsor on BCRP Website for 3 months and on event banner, 1-Hole Sponsor | 1-Foursome Team | 2 General Admission to Boots and BBQ (9/21/2024)
* Eagle Sponsor $750
Recognized as Eagle Sponsor on BCRP Website for 3 months and on event banner, 1-Hole Sponsor | 1-Foursome Team
* Birdie Sponsor $500
Recognized as Birdie Sponsor on BCRP Website for 3 months and on event banner, 1-Hole Sponsor
* Meal Sponsor $250
Recognized as Meal Sponsor on BCRP Website for 3 months and on event banner
* Hole Sponsor $150
Recognized as Hole Sponsor on BCRP Website for 3 months and on event banner
* General Donor
Specify the amount of your Generous Donation
Contact David Layland by phone: (512)923-8514, or by email.
Register/Donate ONLINE today or pickup a flyer/application at the BCRP office.
Our Office is located at:
443 Highway 71 West
Bastrop Texas 78602
Office hours are:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 10 AM to 2 PM, and
Thursday from 2 PM to 6 PM.
BCRP Friendsgiving – November 27th, 2023
Bastrop County Republican Party
~ Friendsgiving ~
The Bastrop County Republican Party will host a Food and Fellowship get together to show our appreciation to our elected officials for their service and support.
Please join us on:
November 27th, 2023
First National Bank
2nd Floor Community Room
489 Highway 71 West
Bastrop Texas
Doors open at 6:00pm.
Visit our website for information on other party activities, meetings and events.
Our office is located at:
443 Highway 71 West
Bastrop Texas 78602
Office hours: Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, and Thurs: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Informational Meeting – October 23rd, 2023
Fran Rhodes is currently serving as president of True Texas Project (TTP). Mrs. Rhodes first became interested in politics when Obama was elected. She attended a Tax Day rally in 2009, and joined several grassroots groups, subscribing to their online newsletters. Mrs. Rhodes started attending NE Tarrant Tea Party meetings in the summer of 2009. In 2010, she took on leadership of the Volunteer Liaison program, and in 2013, established the Citizen Advocate program. In 2014 she joined the Board of NE Tarrant Tea Party, and in 2016 became Vice President, and was promoted to President in 2019 when NETTP re-branded and relaunched into the True Texas Project (TTP). Mrs. Rhodes is now helping to lead the organization and grow the grassroots army in Texas.
Mrs. Rhodes’ passion for this service comes from a desire to actually make a difference, influence what goes on in our government, and really make our voices heard. According to Mrs. Rhodes, “Even when we don’t get the outcomes we want, people see that we show up, we put in the time, we do the work, and we are not going away!” Mrs. Rhodes holds a BA in Business Management from Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio, and is retired from a career in sales and marketing in the office furniture industry. Originally from Illinois, she got to Texas as soon as she could, considers herself a Texan after 3 decades of living in the Lone Star State, and is passionate about fighting for liberty in Texas.
When she is not fighting for legislation, speaking to others about activism, or organizing the latest TTP special event, she is an active member of her church choir, and enjoys sewing, quilting and gardening. Fran can be reached at , on Facebook, Twitter, and MeWe.

6th Annual B&BBQ Huge Success !!!
Bastrop County Republicans and Supporters from across Central Texas gathered together this past Saturday, September 23rd, 2023 at the Bastrop Convention & Exhibit Center for an evening of camaraderie. Beginning with a VIP Reception and photo opportunity with our Keynote Speaker Lindsey Graham. Guests enjoyed a Cocktail Hour and viewed silent and live auction items before placing their bids. Bastrop County Chair Curtis Courtney welcomed everyone with a warm greeting and paid well deserved recognition to all the Boots & Barbecue Committee members and countless volunteers responsible for planning and conducting this very popular and successful fundraiser event.
Following these opening remarks, Mrs. Terry Moore led the audience in singing the National Anthem, Ms. Kylie Cunningham led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag and State of Texas Flag. The County Chair introduced all the Federal, State, County and Precinct elected officials present. Master of Ceremonies Lela Derr dismissed guests for the much anticipated buffet style BBQ dinner. Following the meal, guests listened to video presentations from State Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham and U.S. Senator Ted Cruz. Texas District 17 Representative Stan Gerdes introduction of Keynote Speaker Lindsey Graham brought the crowd to their feet in rousing applause. Lindsey Graham, aka The Patriot Barbie, presented her story of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” of a strong woman, salon business owner, who defied the State of Oregons lockdown mandates and won! Her efforts continue to empower women, champion men, embrace family values and has solidified her place at the front of the battle for women’s rights, unborn babies, and moms.
The Bastrop County Republican Party sincerely thanks all attending, the Speaker Table Co-Sponsors, Table Sponsors and ticket buyers, silent and live auction item donors and buyers, and the many local businesses for your continued and generous support. Proceeds from these events support local party activities, Republican candidates, and party administrative needs. For more information on other party activities, meetings and events please visit our website at www.bastropctygop.com. Our office is located at: 443 Highway 71 West, in Bastrop Texas. Phone: (512) 409-1415, email: . Office hours, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat, and 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Thurs.